Script Function: Q4K7

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 function void Q4K7(obj this, obj target)
   string Q5N7;
   list Q5N8;
   string Q5H4;
   int Q602;
   string Q4GZ;
   int Q4H0;
   if (!getCompileFlag(0x01))
     Q4H0 = getNotoriety(target);
     Q4H0 = getKarma(target);
   Q4GZ = Q4H0;
   int Q60O;
   if (!getCompileFlag(0x01))
     Q60O = (0x00 - (getNotoriety(target) / 0x0A));
     Q60O = getKarmaLevel(target);
   Q5N8 = "Don't do anything foolish.", "We'll be keeping an eye on thee.", "I know thy type. Break not the laws, or else suffer punishment!", "Thou hast a suspicious look about thee.", "I trust thee not, nor should anyone. Thou art a ruffian.", "Faugh, another scoundrel to keep an eye on!", "I have heard of thee--keep thee to the straight and narrow whilst here!", "If I catch thee breaking laws, thy neck will be on the line.", "Thou hast an unsavory reputation--best that thou dost not prove that thou earnst it.", "Thou art known as a criminal. Do not draw the attention of the guards with thy deeds, or risk death!", "Mine eye is on thee, scoundrel. Break not the law.", "Thou art a scofflaw, but while here thou SHALT obey the laws, or suffer.", "Look thee who crawled out from under a rock! Well, thou shalt not do anything illegal whilst I am watching thee!", "The guards well know thee and thy nefarious ways! Be sure to behave thyself!", "Scum! Stay not overlong here, for thou art not welcome!", "I hope that thou art merely visiting, for we mislike knaves mingling with our citizens.", "Thou shouldst leave this city before any decide to lynch thee.", "I should arrest thee now, before thou dost something terrible. Thou art well known as a rogue of the worst kind.";
   int Q60R = random(0x00, 0x0C) + (Q60O / 0x02);
   Q5N7 = Q5N8[Q60R];
   Q5H4 = getName(target) + "! " + Q5N7;
   Q602 = getDirectionInternal(getLocation(this), getLocation(target));
   faceHere(this, Q602);
   bark(this, Q5H4);
   setObjVar(target, "cityguardJustWarnedMe", 0x01);
   return ();