Script: Vended

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inherits globals;
function obj Q4TJ()
  obj Q63O = getTopmostContainer(this);
  if (Q63O == NULL())
    return (NULL());
  if (!hasScript(Q63O, "vendor"))
    return (NULL());
  return (Q63O);
function void cleanup()
  if (isContainer(this))
    list Q4E4;
    getContents(Q4E4, this);
      list args;
      message(Q4E4[0x00], "cleanup", args);
      removeItem(Q4E4, 0x00);
  removeObjVar(this, "vendedOwner");
  removeObjVar(this, "vendedPrice");
  removeObjVar(this, "description");
  detachScript(this, "vended");
  return ();
function obj Q4SD()
  if (hasObjVar(this, "vendedOwner"))
    return (getObjVar(this, "vendedOwner"));
  return (getObjVar(Q4TJ(), "owner"));
function int Q4SH()
  if (!hasObjVar(this, "vendedPrice"))
    return (0x00 - 0x01);
  return (getObjVar(this, "vendedPrice"));
function int Q4YS(obj b)
  switch (getObjType(b))
  case 0x0FEF
  case 0x0FF0
  case 0x0FF1
  case 0x0FF2
    return (0x01);
    return (0x00);
  return (0x00);
function int Q4Z0(obj t)
  if (hasObjVar(t, "isLocked"))
    barkTo(Q4SD(), Q4SD(), "Locked items may not be made not-for-sale.");
    return (0x01);
  if (isContainer(t))
    if (!isRealContainer(t))
      switch (getObjType(t))
      case 0x0EFA
      case 0x0E3B
        return (0x01);
      list Q4E4;
      getContents(Q4E4, t);
      for(int i = numInList(Q4E4); i; i--)
        if ((!hasScript(Q4E4[0x00], "vended")) || ((!hasObjVar(Q4E4[0x00], "vendedPrice"))))
          if (!Q4Z0(Q4E4[0x00]))
            barkTo(Q4SD(), Q4SD(), "To be not for sale, all contents of a container must be for sale.");
            return (0x00);
        removeItem(Q4E4, 0x00);
    return (0x01);
  if (Q4YS(t))
    return (0x01);
  obj Q47J = containedBy(t);
  if (!isValid(Q47J))
    bark(Q4SD(), "It's not in a container.");
    return (0x00);
  if (hasObjVar(Q47J, "vendedPrice"))
    return (0x01);
  barkTo(Q4SD(), Q4SD(), "Only the following items may be made not-for-sale: books, containers, keyrings, and items in a for-sale container.");
  return (0x00);
function void checkStatus()
  if (isContainer(this))
    list Q4E4;
    getContents(Q4E4, this);
      list args;
      if (!hasScript(Q4E4[0x00], "vended"))
        attachScript(Q4E4[0x00], "vended");
      message(Q4E4[0x00], "checkStatus", args);
      removeItem(Q4E4, 0x00);
  if (Q4SH() < 0x00)
    if (!Q4Z0(this))
      setObjVar(this, "vendedPrice", getValue(this));
  return ();
trigger textentry(0x1A)
  if (sender != Q4SD())
    return (0x00);
  if (!isFreelyViewable(this, sender))
    return (0x00);
  if (button == 0x00)
    if (hasObjVar(this, "vendedPrice"))
      removeObjVar(this, "vendedPrice");
    scriptTrig(this, 0x1C, Q4SD());
    return (0x00);
  int price = text;
  if (price < 0x00)
    systemMessage(Q4SD(), "Only containers can be set to 'not for sale.'");
  if (price > 0x000F4240)
    price = 0x000F4240;
  string Q5WX = price;
  string Q5G1 = text;
  removePrefix(text, Q5WX);
  if (Q5G1 == text)
    if (Q4Z0(this))
      price = 0x00 - 0x01;
      return (0x00);
  removePrefix(text, " ");
  removePrefix(text, " ");
  removePrefix(text, ",");
  removePrefix(text, " ");
  removePrefix(text, " ");
  if (text == "")
    removeObjVar(this, "description");
    setObjVar(this, "description", text);
  if (price < 0x00)
    if (hasObjVar(this, "vendedPrice"))
      removeObjVar(this, "vendedPrice");
    setObjVar(this, "vendedPrice", price);
  scriptTrig(this, 0x1C, Q4SD());
  return (0x00);
trigger wasgotten
  if (isEditing(getter))
    return (0x01);
  if (Q4SH() == 0x00)
    return (0x01);
  if (getter != Q4SD())
    systemMessage(getter, "To purchase items, say 'vendor buy'.");
    return (0x00);
  return (0x01);
trigger wasdropped
  if (Q4TJ() == NULL())
  return (0x01);
trigger creation
  if (containedBy(this) != NULL())
    if (hasScript(containedBy(this), "vendor"))
      return (0x00);
  systemMessage(Q4SD(), "Type in a price and description for " + getName(this) + ": (ESC=Not for sale)");
  textEntry(this, Q4SD(), 0x1A, 0x00, "Type in a price for " + getName(this) + ".");
  return (0x00);
trigger message("checkStatus")
  return (0x00);
trigger lookedat
  string Q5KK = Q4SH();
  if (Q4SH() == 0x00)
    Q5KK = "FREE!";
  if (Q4SH() < 0x00)
    Q5KK = "Not for sale.";
    if (!Q4Z0(this))
      setObjVar(this, "vendedPrice", getValue(this));
      Q5KK = Q4SH();
  string desc = "";
  if (hasObjVar(this, "description"))
    desc = getObjVar(this, "description");
    desc = desc + ".  ";
  barkTo(this, looker, desc + "Cost:" + Q5KK);
  return (0x01);
trigger give
  if (giver != Q4SD())
    barkTo(Q4TJ(), giver, "I can only accept items from the shop owner.");
    return (0x00);
  setObjVar(givenobj, "vendedOwner", giver);
  attachScript(givenobj, "vended");
  return (0x01);
trigger message("cleanup")
  return (0x00);
trigger message("purchase")
  obj user = args[0x00];
  int Q4Q1;
  if (user == Q4SD())
    systemMessage(user, "You take the item.");
    Q4Q1 = putObjContainer(this, getBackpack(user));
    return (0x00);
  obj vendor = Q4TJ();
  int price = Q4SH();
  if (price < 0x00)
    systemMessage(user, "This item is not for sale.");
    return (0x00);
  if (price == 0x00)
    systemMessage(user, "You take " + getName(this) + ".");
    Q4Q1 = putObjContainer(this, getBackpack(user));
    return (0x00);
  obj gold = NULL();
  if (price > 0x00)
    if (price <= getMoney(user))
      gold = transferGenericToContainer(vendor, user, 0x0EED, price);
      systemMessage(user, "You purchase " + getName(this) + ".");
      if (price <= amtGoldInBank(user))
        Q4Q1 = withdrawFromBank(user, price);
        gold = transferGenericToContainer(vendor, user, 0x0EED, price);
        systemMessage(user, "You purchase " + getName(this) + " with the gold in your bank account.");
        systemMessage(user, "You cannot afford this item.");
        return (0x00);
  list goldOwnerList;
  list goldQuantityList;
  if (hasObjListVar(vendor, "goldOwnerList"))
    getObjListVar(goldOwnerList, vendor, "goldOwnerList");
    getObjListVar(goldQuantityList, vendor, "goldQuantityList");
  for(int i = 0x00; 0x01; i++)
    if (i >= numInList(goldOwnerList))
      append(goldOwnerList, Q4SD());
      append(goldQuantityList, price);
    obj Q4FL = goldOwnerList[i];
    if (Q4SD() == Q4FL)
      int Q5WE = goldQuantityList[i];
      setItem(goldQuantityList, Q5WE + price, i);
  setObjVar(vendor, "goldOwnerList", goldOwnerList);
  setObjVar(vendor, "goldQuantityList", goldQuantityList);
  Q4Q1 = putObjContainer(this, getBackpack(user));
  return (0x00);
trigger objectloaded
  if (hasObjVar(this, "owner"))
    if (!hasScript(this, "magicitem"))
      removeObjVar(this, "owner");
  setObjVar(this, "vendedOwner", Q4SD());
  if (hasObjVar(this, "price"))
    int price = getObjVar(this, "price");
    setObjVar(this, "vendedPrice", price);
    removeObjVar(this, "price");
  if (Q4TJ() == NULL())
    return (0x01);
  return (0x01);