Script: Player
From Ultima Online: The Second Age
Revision as of 16:47, 5 October 2018 by Grimoric (talk | contribs) (Created page with " <span style="color:#0000FF">inherits</span> comreceiver; forward <span style="color:#0000FF">string</span> <span style="color:#2B91AF">guildName</span>();...")
inherits comreceiver;
forward string guildName(); forward string Q4UL(); forward string myGuildTitle(); forward void Q4TI(obj this);
trigger lookedat { if (hasObjVar(this, "displayGuildAbbr")) { string ab = getObjVar(this, "guildAbbreviation"); if (hasObjVar(this, "isGuildmaster")) { string x = getObjVar(this, "gmTitle"); ab = x + ", " + ab; } else { if (myGuildTitle() != " ") { ab = myGuildTitle() + ", " + ab; } } ab = "[" + ab + "]" + " " + Q4RS(Q4RR()); barkTo(this, looker, ab); } return (0x01); }
trigger objectloaded { Q4TI(this); return (0x01); }
trigger speech("*I resign from my guild*") { if (speaker != this) { return (0x01); } Q5MP(this); return (0x00); }
function string guildName() { if (!hasObjVar(this, "guildName")) { list args; message(this, "removedFromGuild", args); return (""); } string x = getObjVar(this, "guildName"); return (x); }
function string Q4UL() { if (!hasObjVar(this, "guildAbbreviation")) { list args; message(this, "removedFromGuild", args); return (""); } string x = getObjVar(this, "guildAbbreviation"); return (x); }
function string myGuildTitle() { if (!hasObjVar(this, "myGuildTitle")) { return (" "); } string x = getObjVar(this, "myGuildTitle"); return (x); }
trigger creation { attachScript(this, "tutwisp"); Q4TI(this); return (0x01); }
function void Q4TI(obj this) { loc Q55H = 0x00, 0x00, (0x00 - 0x50); if (!hasObjVar(this, "guildstoneId")) { list args; message(this, "removedFromGuild", args); return (); } obj Q4UE = getObjVar(this, "guildstoneId"); list blah; multimessage(Q4UE, "updateMyGuildInfo", blah); blah = Q4UE; multiMessageToLoc(Q55H, "doesMyGuildExist", blah); return (); }
trigger message("updateGuildInfo") { int Q4ZH = args[0x00]; string Q43M = args[0x01]; string Q43L = args[0x02]; int Q43N = args[0x03]; string Q43O = args[0x04]; obj Q42J = args[0x05]; string gmTitle = args[0x06]; list Q4FR; sendToNearbyPlayers(this, 0x00); copyList(Q4FR, args[0x07]); setObjVar(this, "opposingGuilds", Q4FR); if (Q42J == this) { setObjVar(this, "isGuildmaster", 0x01); setObjVar(this, "gmTitle", gmTitle); } else { removeObjVar(this, "isGuildmaster"); removeObjVar(this, "gmTitle"); } if (!hasObjVar(this, "guildName")) { setObjVar(this, "guildName", "unaffiliated"); } if (Q43M != guildName()) { systemMessage(this, "The name of your guild has changed from " + guildName() + " to " + Q43M + "."); setObjVar(this, "guildName", Q43M); } if (!hasObjVar(this, "guildAbbreviation")) { setObjVar(this, "guildAbbreviation", guildName()); } if (Q43L != Q4UL()) { systemMessage(this, "Your guild abbreviation has changed from " + Q4UL() + " to " + Q43L + "."); setObjVar(this, "guildAbbreviation", Q43L); } if (!hasObjVar(this, "myGuildTitle")) { setObjVar(this, "myGuildTitle", " "); } if (Q43O != myGuildTitle()) { systemMessage(this, "You have been given a new guild title: " + Q43O + "."); setObjVar(this, "myGuildTitle", Q43O); } if (Q43N != Q4RR()) { systemMessage(this, "Your guild is now " + Q4RT(Q43N) + " guild."); } sendToNearbyPlayers(this, 0x00); if (Q56L(this, Q43N)) { if (Q43N != Q4RR()) { message(this, "removedFromSpecialGuild", args); setObjVar(this, "guildType", Q43N); string Q5IV = Q4RU(Q43N); if (Q5IV != "") { attachScript(this, Q5IV); message(this, "addedToSpecialGuild", args); } } } else { systemMessage(this, "You are no longer qualified to be a member of your guild."); Q5MP(this); return (0x01); } if (!Q4ZH) { systemMessage(this, "You have been dismissed from " + guildName() + "."); message(this, "removedFromGuild", args); } return (0x01); }
function void Q4DD() { removeObjVar(this, "guildName"); removeObjVar(this, "guildAbbreviation"); removeObjVar(this, "myGuildTitle"); removeObjVar(this, "guildstoneId"); removeObjVar(this, "displayGuildAbbr"); removeObjVar(this, "opposingGuilds"); removeObjVar(this, "guildType"); removeObjVar(this, "gmTitle"); removeObjVar(this, "isGuildmaster"); sendToNearbyPlayers(this, 0x00); return (); }
trigger message("removedFromGuild") { Q4DD(); return (0x01); }
trigger message("guildMessage") { string Q65L = args[0x00]; systemMessage(this, "Guild message: " + Q65L); return (0x01); }
trigger message("globalGuildMessage") { string Q65L = args[0x00]; systemMessage(this, "Guild message: " + Q65L); return (0x01); }
trigger message("guildGone") { systemMessage(this, "Guild message: Your guild has been disbanded!"); clearList(args); message(this, "removedFromGuild", args); return (0x01); }
function void Q4V1() { if (!hasObjVar(this, "canReportIdList")) { return (); } list canReportNameList; getObjListVar(canReportNameList, this, "canReportNameList"); string Q5MN = canReportNameList[0x00]; Q5MN = "Would you like to report " + Q5MN + " as a murderer?"; systemMessage(this, Q5MN); int Q55V = amtGoldInBank(this); stringQuery(this, this, 0x21, Q5MN, 0x01, 0x02, Q55V, "Optional bounty (" + Q55V + " max)"); return (); }
trigger textentry(0x21) { if (sender != this) { return (0x00); } list canReportNameList; getObjListVar(canReportNameList, this, "canReportNameList"); list canReportIdList; getObjListVar(canReportIdList, this, "canReportIdList"); int Q4Q1; list args; debugMessage("button=" + button); if (button == 0x01) { obj player = canReportIdList[0x00]; string Q5IU = canReportNameList[0x00]; debugMessage("text='" + text + "'"); int Q48Z = text; string Q5CA = Q48Z; if (text == Q5CA) { int Q55W = amtGoldInBank(this); if (Q48Z > Q55W) { Q48Z = Q55W; } if (Q48Z > 0x00) { Q4Q1 = withdrawAndDestroy(this, Q48Z); obj bountyInfo = createNoResObjectAt(0x01, getLocation(this)); setObjVar(bountyInfo, "subject", player); attachScript(bountyInfo, "bountyinfo"); args = player, Q48Z, 0x00, Q5IU; message(bountyInfo, "addBounty", args); Q4Q1 = teleport(bountyInfo, getRelayLoc(player)); if (isValid(bountyInfo)) { clearList(args); message(bountyInfo, "teleported", args); } } } args = getAdjFame(this); Q56V(player, "murderReport", args); Q4Q1 = addToObjVarListSet(this, "recentlyReported", player); [[callbackAdvanced|callbackAdvanced]](this, 0x04B0, 0x11, 0x04); } removeItem(canReportIdList, 0x00); removeItem(canReportNameList, 0x00); if (numInList(canReportIdList) > 0x00) { setObjVar(this, "canReportIdList", canReportIdList); setObjVar(this, "canReportNameList", canReportNameList); shortCallback(this, 0x01, 0x8C); } else { removeObjVar(this, "canReportIdList"); removeObjVar(this, "canReportNameList"); } return (0x00); }
trigger online { if (isDead(this)) { shortCallback(this, 0x14, 0x8C); } return (0x01); }
trigger message("refreshAggression") { refreshAggression(this); return (0x00); }
trigger message("refreshCriminal") { loc Q4F5 = args[0x00]; committedCrimeAt(this, Q4F5, 0x01E0)return(0x00); }
trigger message("changeReputation") { changeFame(this, args[0x00]); changeKarma(this, args[0x01]); return (0x00); }
trigger message("murderReport") { int Q67H = args[0x00]; int murderCount = 0x01 + getMurderCount(this); if (murderCount >= 0x05) { if (murderCount == 0x05) { systemMessage(this, "You are now known as a murderer!"); } int Q4UR = 0x00; int Q4UT = 0x00; obj Q4UP = getItemAtSlot(this, 0x0B); if (Q4UP != NULL()) { Q4UR = getHue(Q4UP); Q4UT = getObjType(Q4UP); } args = this, murderCount, getSex(this), Q4UT, Q4UR, getHue(this); multiMessageToLoc(getRelayLoc(this), "updateBountyDesc", args); } changeKarma(this, 0x00 - Q67H); setMurderCount(this, murderCount); [[callbackAdvanced|callbackAdvanced]](this, 0x0001C200, 0x11, 0x03); return (0x00); }
trigger sawdeath { if (!getCompileFlag(0x01)) { return (0x00); } if (this != victim) { return (0x01); } shortCallback(this, 0x01, 0x8C); return (0x00); }
trigger callback(0x8C) { if (getMobFlag(this, 0x02)) { shortCallback(this, 0x01, 0x8C); return (0x01); } Q4V1(); return (0x01); }
function void Q4DC() { removeObjVar(this, "bountyGuardId"); removeObjVar(this, "bountyPlayerName"); return (); }
trigger callback(0x8D) { if (hasObjVar(this, "bountyGuardId")) { obj Q4UF = getObjVar(this, "bountyGuardId"); string Q5IU = getObjVar(this, "bountyPlayerName"); string Q58D = "There was no bounty on " + Q5IU + "."; Q4DC(); if (isValid(Q4UF)) { if (getDistanceInTiles(getLocation(Q4UF), getLocation(this)) < 0x0A) { bark(Q4UF, Q58D); return (0x00); } } systemMessage(this, Q58D); } Q4DC(); return (0x01); }
trigger speech("*guards*") { if (speaker == this) { return (0x01); } if (!isMurderer(this)) { return (0x01); } if (!inJusticeRegion(getLocation(this))) { return (0x01); } callGuards(this, speaker, 0x03E8); return (0x00); }
trigger message("bountyInfo") { obj Q5IS = args[0x00]; int bounty = args[0x01]; string Q5IU = args[0x02]; obj gold = createNoResObjectIn(0x0EED, this); int Q4Q1 = requestAddQuantity(gold, bounty); Q4Q1 = depositIntoBank(this, gold, bounty); removeCallback(this, 0x8D); if (hasObjVar(this, "bountyGuardId")) { obj Q4UF = getObjVar(this, "bountyGuardId"); string Q58D = "The bounty on " + Q5IU + " was " + bounty + " gold, and has been credited to your account."; changeKarma(this, 0x07D0); Q4DC(); if (isValid(Q4UF)) { if (getDistanceInTiles(getLocation(Q4UF), getLocation(this)) < 0x0A) { bark(Q4UF, Q58D); return (0x00); } } systemMessage(this, Q58D); } return (0x00); }