Script Function: Q668
From Ultima Online: The Second Age
function void Q668(obj this, obj speaker) { int Q4Q1; list Q5I2; getContents(Q5I2, this); if (numInList(Q5I2) < 0x01) { bark(this, "But I have no animals stabled with me at the moment!"); return (); } obj Q5H7; list Q48U; obj Q59H; string Q58D; for(int i = 0x00; i < numInList(Q5I2); i++) { Q59H = Q5I2[i]; if (Q42T(Q59H, "myBoss", speaker)) { Q58D = Q58D + "I have thy pet, " + getName(Q59H) + "... let me fetch it. "; Q4Q1 = teleport(Q59H, getLocation(speaker)); removeObjVar(Q59H, "isInStables"); detachScript(Q59H, "petzap"); if (!Q4Q1) { Q58D = Q58D + "I am sorry to inform thee that... well... it died. "; deleteObject(Q59H); } } } bark(this, Q58D); return (); }