Script Function: Q5VM

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 function void Q5VM(obj Q5KS)
   obj destination;
   int Q511;
   obj Q4P1;
   int Q5D9 = random(0x00, 0x01);
   Q511 = Q4SJ(Q5KS);
   if (0x00)
     debugMessage("Specific item fetch attempted.");
   destination = Q4SI();
   if (destination == NULL())
     if (0x00)
       debugMessage("Item delivery aborted.");
     return ();
   Q4P1 = requestCreateObjectIn(Q511, getBackpack(Q5KS));
   if (Q4P1 == NULL())
     if (0x00)
       debugMessage("Item delivery aborted.");
   setObjVar(Q5KS, "questItemDestination", destination);
   if (0x00)
     debugMessage("Adding next leg of quest.");
   list Q5LW = "A friend of mine needeth ", "I promised to take something to a friend... ", "I am supposed to deliver ";
   string Q59W = Q5LW[random(0x00, numInList(Q5LW) - 0x01)];
   Q4ET(destination, Q5D9);
   setObjVar(Q5KS, "questDeliverReason", Q59W);
   setObjVar(destination, "questDeliverObjectRec", Q4P1);
   setObjVar(Q5KS, "questDeliverObject", Q4P1);
   if (0x00)
     debugMessage("Item type deliver quest activated.");
   if (Q5KS == NULL())
     return ();
   attachScript(Q5KS, "quest_deliver_asker");
   if (destination == NULL())
     return ();
   attachScript(destination, "quest_deliver_dest");
   return ();