Script Function: Q5VI

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 function void Q5VI(obj this, obj speaker)
   if (getMoney(speaker) < 0x1E)
     if (amtGoldInBank(speaker) < 0x1E)
       bark(this, "Thou dost not have 30 gold, not even in thy bank account.");
       return ();
   list Q5I2;
   getContents(Q5I2, this);
   if (numInList(Q5I2) > 0x64)
     bark(this, "I am sorry, my stables are full.");
     return ();
   bark(this, "I charge 30 gold per pet for a real week's stable time. I will withdraw it from thy bank account. Which animal wouldst thou like to stable here?");
   setObjVar(this, "petStablerAsker", speaker);
   targetObj(speaker, this);
   return ();