Script Function: Q5JU
From Ultima Online: The Second Age
function void Q5JU() { obj Q58D = createNoResObjectIn(0x0EB0, Q5FN); list postText; list lineTimes; string Q4UO; if (getSex(this) == 0x01) { Q4UO = "heroine"; } else { Q4UO = "hero"; } appendToList(postText, "We need your help!"); appendToList(postText, "A horrible dragon hath"); appendToList(postText, "been terrorizing our"); appendToList(postText, "forests of late, and a"); appendToList(postText, "valiant " + Q4UO + " is"); appendToList(postText, "needed to rid us of the"); appendToList(postText, "scourge!"); appendToList(postText, ""); appendToList(postText, "Prithee, if thou canst"); appendToList(postText, "offer any aid, venture"); appendToList(postText, "forth into the forest"); appendToList(postText, "and slay this terrible"); appendToList(postText, "beast! Our best warriors"); appendToList(postText, "have tried and failed,"); appendToList(postText, "for their swords merely"); appendToList(postText, "bounced off the draconian"); appendToList(postText, "hide... mayhap a special"); appendToList(postText, "weapon is required, or"); appendToList(postText, "merely a stouter arm!"); appendToList(postText, ""); appendToList(postText, "Abandon us not in times"); appendToList(postText, "of need..."); appendToList(postText, ""); appendToList(postText, "-the citizens of Ocllo"); setObjVar(Q58D, "postText", postText); return (); }