Script Function: Q4MR

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 function void Q4MR(obj killer, obj victim)
   if (hasObjVar(this, "bountyKiller"))
     removeObjVar(this, "bountyKiller");
   list Q59P;
   setObjVar(victim, "myLastKiller", killer);
   appendToList(Q59P, 0x00);
   appendToList(Q59P, "YES - You report them to Lord British's guards. This will increase the recorded murders under this person's name and may result in a bounty placed on their head.");
   appendToList(Q59P, 0x01);
   appendToList(Q59P, "NO - you forgive this person for killing you and do not report them to Lord British's guards.");
   selectType(victim, victim, 0x01, "You have been murdered! Do you wish to report this crime to Lord British's guards?", Q59P);
   if (0x00)
     bark(killer, "Opening reporting menu.");
   return ();