Script Function: Q4MC

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 function void Q4MC(obj this, obj giver, int Q4TZ)
   list Q5N5 = "I shall tell all of thy deed.", "Thy reputation shall be cemented by what I shall tell!", "I thank thee kindly!", "I cannot tell thee how much this helps me!", "I thank thee indeed!", "I confess I never expected thee to aid me!", "I admit that I never expected thee to help me!", "Thou'rt amazing! I thank thee.", "My gratitude hath no bounds!", "I shall tell all my friends of thee!", "My thanks.", "I owe thee many thanks.", "Thou hast accomplished what I sought!", "From the bottom of my heart, I thank thee.";
   string Q58D = Q5N5[random(0x00, numInList(Q5N5) - 0x01)];
   Q58D = Q58D + " ";
   if (Q4TZ)
     addNotoriety(giver, 0x01);
     removeNotoriety(giver, 0x01);
   obj reward = getObjVar(this, "questReward");
   if (reward == NULL())
     Q58D = Q58D + "I have no item to give thee, only news... " + Q4TQ(this, giver);
     if (!hasObj(this, reward))
       Q58D = Q58D + " Alas, the reward I was to give thee has been lost! + But... " + Q4TQ(this, giver);
       if (giveItem(giver, reward) == NULL())
         int Q4TR = teleport(reward, getLocation(giver));
       Q58D = Q58D + " Please accept this " + getName(reward) + " as a reward.";
   bark(this, Q58D);
   return ();