Script: Scissors

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inherits sndfx;
function void Q66C(obj item)
  int Q4Q1;
  string Q69U;
  string Q5C2;
  int Q664;
  Q4Q1 = getResource(Q664, item, "cloth", 0x03, 0x02);
  if (Q4Q1)
    Q69U = Q664;
    Q5C2 = Q69U + " yards of cloth";
    setObjVar(item, "lookAtText", Q5C2);
    Q4Q1 = getResource(Q664, item, "leather", 0x03, 0x02);
    if (Q4Q1)
      Q69U = Q664;
      Q5C2 = Q69U + " yards of leather";
      setObjVar(item, "lookAtText", Q5C2);
  return ();
trigger use
  systemMessage(user, "What cloth should I use these scissors on?");
  targetObj(user, this);
  return (0x01);
trigger targetobj
  if (usedon == NULL())
    return (0x00);
  int Q66P = getObjType(usedon);
  loc location = getLocation(user);
  obj Q47L;
  obj Q47G;
  int Q5UA = getHue(usedon);
  int Q4Q1;
  int Q4DL;
  switch (Q66P)
  case 0x0F95
  case 0x0F96
  case 0x0F97
  case 0x0F98
  case 0x0F99
  case 0x0F9A
  case 0x0F9B
  case 0x0F9C
  case 0x0F9C
  case 0x175D
  case 0x175E
  case 0x175F
  case 0x1760
  case 0x1761
  case 0x1762
  case 0x1763
  case 0x1764
  case 0x1765
  case 0x1766
  case 0x1767
  case 0x1768
    if (isAtHome(usedon))
      systemMessage(user, "That cloth belongs to someone else.");
      return (0x00);
    Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4DL, usedon, "cloth", 0x03, 0x02);
    if (Q4DL > 0x00)
      Q47G = getBackpack(user);
      int Q5L6 = random(0x01, 0x02);
      if (Q5L6 == 0x01)
        Q47L = createNoResObjectIn(0x0E21, Q47G);
        Q47L = createNoResObjectIn(0x0EE9, Q47G);
      sfx(location, 0x0248, 0x00);
      setHue(Q47L, Q5UA);
      transferResources(Q47L, usedon, 0x01, "cloth");
      systemMessage(user, "You cut some cloth into a bandage, and put it in your backpack");
      if (Q4DL == 0x01)
      systemMessage(user, "There is no cloth left on that.");
    systemMessage(user, "You can't use scissors on that.");
  return (0x00);