Script: Ore

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inherits itemmanip;
trigger use
  if (isAtHome(this))
    systemMessage(user, "That ore belongs to someone else.");
    return (0x00);
  if (hasObjVar(this, "inUse"))
    systemMessage(user, "Someone is using that ore.");
    return (0x00);
    setObjVar(this, "inUse", 0x01);
    attachscript(this, "removeinuse");
    callback(this, 0x1E, 0x1B);
  int Q4Q1;
  int Q4YO;
  Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, this, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
  if (Q4YO > 0x04)
    systemMessage(user, "Select the forge on which to smelt the ore, or another pile of ore with which to combine it.");
    systemMessage(user, "Select another pile of ore with which to combine this.");
  targetObj(user, this);
  return (0x00);
trigger targetobj
  removeObjVar(this, "inUse");
  if (usedon == NULL())
    return (0x00);
  if (getDistanceInTiles(getLocation(user), getLocation(usedon)) > 0x03)
    systemMessage(user, "That is too far away.");
    return (0x00);
  if (getDistanceInTiles(getLocation(this), getLocation(usedon)) > 0x03)
    systemMessage(user, "The ore is too far away.");
    return (0x00);
  if (!canSeeObj(user, usedon))
    systemMessage(user, "You can't see that.");
    return (0x00);
  int Q4Q1;
  int Q4YO;
  Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, this, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
  int Q4Z5 = 0x00;
  int Q4ZU = 0x00;
  obj ore = this;
  int Q62A = getObjType(this);
  int Q66P = getObjType(usedon);
  if (Q66P == 0x0FB1)
    Q4Z5 = 0x01;
  if (Q66P >= 0x197A)
    if (Q66P <= 0x19A9)
      Q4Z5 = 0x01;
  if (Q66P > 0x19B6)
    if (Q66P < 0x19BB)
      Q4ZU = 0x01;
      if (isInContainer(this))
        obj Q61O = getTopmostContainer(this);
        int Q62E = getWeight(Q61O) + getWeight(usedon);
      if (isInContainer(usedon))
        obj Q66Q = getTopmostContainer(usedon);
        int Q66T = getWeight(Q66Q) + getWeight(this);
      if ((Q62E > 0x03E8) || (Q66T > 0x03E8))
        ebarkTo(user, user, "The weight is too great to combine in a container.");
        return (0x00);
  if (Q4ZU)
    ore = this;
    if (Q62A == 0x19B9)
      Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, ore, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
      transferResources(usedon, ore, Q4YO, "metal");
    if (Q62A == 0x19B8)
      switch (Q66P)
      case 0x19B9
      case 0x19B8
        Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, usedon, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
        transferResources(ore, usedon, Q4YO, "metal");
      case 0x19B7
      case 0x19BA
        Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, ore, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
        transferResources(usedon, ore, Q4YO, "metal");
        return (0x00);
    if (Q62A == 0x19BA)
      switch (Q66P)
      case 0x19B9
      case 0x19B8
        Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, usedon, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
        transferResources(ore, usedon, Q4YO, "metal");
      case 0x19B7
      case 0x19BA
        Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, ore, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
        transferResources(usedon, ore, Q4YO, "metal");
        return (0x00);
    if (Q62A == 0x19B7)
      switch (Q66P)
      case 0x19B9
      case 0x19B8
      case 0x19BA
        Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, usedon, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
        transferResources(ore, usedon, Q4YO, "metal");
      case 0x19B7
        Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, ore, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
        transferResources(usedon, ore, Q4YO, "metal");
        return (0x00);
    Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, ore, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
    if (Q4YO < 0x01)
    Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, usedon, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
    if (Q4YO < 0x01)
    if (hasObjVar(this, "inUse"))
      removeObjVar(this, "inUse");
    return (0x00);
  if (Q4Z5)
    obj Q47G = getBackpack(user);
    ore = this;
    int Q5GQ = getObjType(ore);
    int Q4Y6 = 0x1BF2;
    Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, ore, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
    int count = Q4YO / 0x02;
    if (count < 0x01)
      systemMessage(user, "There is not enough metal-bearing ore in this pile to make an ingot.");
      if (hasObjVar(this, "inUse"))
        removeObjVar(this, "inUse");
      return (0x00);
    if (testSkill(user, 0x2D))
      obj Q5BW = createNoResObjectIn(Q4Y6, Q47G);
      transferResources(Q5BW, ore, count, "metal");
      returnResourcesToBank(ore, count, "metal");
      Q4Q1 = putObjContainer(Q5BW, Q47G);
      Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, ore, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
      if (Q4YO < 0x01)
      systemMessage(user, "You smelt the ore removing the impurities and put the metal in your backpack.");
      if (count == 0x01)
        systemMessage(user, "You burn away the impurities but are left with no useable metal.");
        return (0x01);
      returnResourcesToBank(ore, count, "metal");
      systemMessage(user, "You burn away the impurities but are left with less useable metal.");
      Q4Q1 = getResource(Q4YO, ore, "metal", 0x03, 0x02);
      if (Q4YO < 0x01)
  return (0x01);
trigger callback(0x1B)
  if (hasObjVar(this, "inUse"))
    removeObjVar(this, "inUse");
  return (0x01);