Script: Housesign

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inherits housestuff;
function void Q5T6(obj Q4XN)
  if (hasScript(Q4XN, "locked"))
    detachScript(Q4XN, "locked");
  if (hasObjVar(Q4XN, "isLocked"))
    removeObjVar(Q4XN, "isLocked");
  if (hasObjVar(Q4XN, "lockLevel"))
    removeObjVar(Q4XN, "lockLevel");
  return ();
trigger creation
  obj Q5AK = getMultiSlaveId(this);
  setObjVar(Q5AK, "myhousesign", this);
  return (0x01);
trigger objectloaded
  return (0x01);
trigger use
  obj Q5AK = getMultiSlaveId(this);
  if (Q4X6(Q5AK, user) || isEditing(user))
    systemMessage(user, "What dost thou wish the sign to say?");
    textEntry(this, user, 0x17, 0x00, "");
  return (0x00);
trigger textentry(0x17)
  if (button == 0x00)
    return (0x00);
  obj Q5AK = getMultiSlaveId(this);
  if (Q4X6(Q5AK, sender) || isEditing(sender))
    if (text == "")
      if (Q58R(Q5AK))
        barkTo(this, sender, "I now say nothing.");
      string Q5N7 = "I now say ";
      concat(Q5N7, text);
      concat(Q5N7, ".");
      barkTo(this, sender, Q5N7);
      Q58V(Q5AK, text);
  return (0x00);
trigger lookedat
  obj Q5AK = getMultiSlaveId(this);
  if (Q58R(Q5AK))
    barkTo(this, looker, Q58N(Q5AK));
    Q58J(this, looker, "house");
    return (0x00);
  Q58J(this, looker, "house");
  return (0x01);