Script: Housekey

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inherits housestuff;
trigger creation
  setObjVar(this, "predesc", "a house key");
  setObjVar(this, "lookAtText", "a house key");
  return (0x01);
function void Q53Q(obj it)
  attachScript(it, "lockdown");
  return ();
function void Q666(obj it)
  detachScript(it, "lockdown");
  return ();
function int Q50T(obj it)
  return (hasScript(it, "lockdown"));
function int Q4X7(obj key, obj house)
  return (0x00);
function int Q4X8(obj key, obj Q68S, obj it)
  loc where = getLocation(Q68S);
  obj house = Q4YP(Q68S, where);
  if (!isValid(house))
    systemMessage(Q68S, "You are not around your house.");
    return (0x00);
  if (!Q4X7(key, house))
    systemMessage(Q68S, "This key is not for this house.");
    return (0x00);
  if (Q50T(it))
    systemMessage(Q68S, "You release that locked down object.");
    systemMessage(Q68S, "You lock that down.");
  return (0x01);
function int Q4VG(obj it)
  return (hasScript(it, "locked"));
function int Q51P(obj key, obj it)
  list Q667;
  getObjListVar(Q667, key, "whatIUnlock");
  return (isInList(Q667, it));
trigger use
  return (0x01);