Script: Harbormaster

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inherits multistuff;
function int Q5SK(obj house, obj Q5HY)
  obj Q5AB = NULL();
  if (hasObjListVar(house, "myhousedoors"))
    list doors;
    getObjListVar(doors, house, "myhousedoors");
    if (numInList(doors) > 0x00)
      Q5AB = doors[0x00];
    if (hasObjVar(house, "myhousedoor"))
      Q5AB = getObjVar(house, "myhousedoor");
  if (Q5AB == NULL())
    return (0x00);
  obj Q5NC = mobileHasObjWithListObjOfObj(Q5HY, "whatIUnlock", Q5AB);
  if (Q5NC == NULL())
    return (0x00);
  return (0x01);
function void Q43Y(obj Q62K, obj ship, loc where)
  string desc = "a ship claim ticket";
  loc Q5M7;
  string Q47A;
  int Q5NC = getLocalizedDesc(Q47A, Q5M7, where, where);
  if (Q5NC)
    concat(desc, " from ");
    concat(desc, Q47A);
  if (Q58R(ship))
    concat(desc, " for the ");
    concat(desc, Q58N(ship));
  setObjVar(Q62K, "lookAtText", desc);
  return ();
function obj Q440(obj ship, loc where)
  list Q5G9;
  getObjectsOnMulti(Q5G9, ship);
  if (numInList(Q5G9) > 0x00)
    return (NULL());
  obj shiphold = NULL();
  if (hasObjVar(ship, "myshiphold"))
    shiphold = getObjVar(ship, "myshiphold");
  if (shiphold != NULL())
    list Q4E4;
    getContents(Q4E4, shiphold);
    int Q5EQ = numInList(Q4E4);
    if (Q5EQ > 0x00)
      return (NULL());
  obj Q62K = createGlobalObjectAt(0x0E76, where);
  if (Q62K == NULL())
    return (NULL());
  setType(Q62K, 0x14F2);
  setStatus(Q62K, 0x80, 0x01);
  int Q5SR = 0x00;
  if (hasObjVar(ship, "myshiptype"))
    Q5SR = getObjVar(ship, "myshiptype");
    setObjVar(Q62K, "myshiptype", Q5SR);
  if (hasObjVar(ship, "mymultiname"))
    string Q57O = getObjVar(ship, "mymultiname");
    setObjVar(Q62K, "mymultiname", Q57O);
  Q43Y(Q62K, ship, where);
  setObjVar(Q62K, "claimloc", where);
  setObjVar(Q62K, "shipobj", ship);
  attachScript(Q62K, "shipclaim");
  int Q52Q = putObjContainer(ship, Q62K);
  return (Q62K);
function void Q425(obj user, obj Q4XN)
  if (amtGoldInBank(user) < 0x19)
    barkTo(this, user, "Thou dost not have 25 gold in thy bank account.");
    return ();
  barkTo(Q4XN, user, "I charge 25 gold for docking thy ship.  What ship do you want to dock?");
  targetObj(user, Q4XN);
  return ();
trigger speech("*")
  list Q69B;
  split(Q69B, arg);
  if (isInList(Q69B, "dock"))
    Q425(speaker, this);
    return (0x00);
    if (isInList(Q69B, "job"))
      bark(this, "I am a harbormaster.  I dock ships for a fee.");
      return (0x00);
  return (0x01);
trigger targetobj
  if (usedon == NULL())
    return (0x00);
  if (amtGoldInBank(user) < 0x19)
    barkTo(this, user, "Thou dost not have 25 gold in thy bank account.");
    return (0x00);
  if (!isValid(usedon))
    return (0x00);
  if (getDistanceInTiles(getLocation(this), getLocation(usedon)) > 0x64)
    barkTo(this, user, "That is too far away.");
    return (0x00);
  if (isMultiComp(usedon) && (hasObjVar(getMultiSlaveId(usedon), "myshiptype")))
    obj ship = getMultiSlaveId(usedon);
    if (Q5SK(ship, user))
      obj Q62K = Q440(ship, getLocation(this));
      if (Q62K == NULL())
        barkTo(this, user, "I could not dock the ship.");
        barkTo(this, user, "Make sure the deck is clear and the hold is empty.");
        int Q527 = withdrawAndDestroy(user, 0x19);
        int Q528 = toMobile(Q62K, user);
        barkTo(this, user, "Here is your claim ticket.  I suggest you store it in your safety deposit box for safety.");
      barkTo(this, user, "You must have the key to the ship you wish to dock.");
    barkTo(this, user, "That is not a ship!");
  return (0x00);