Script: Guilddeed

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inherits housestuff;
trigger creation
  member loc Q55H = 0x00, 0x00, (0x00 - 0x50);
  setObjVar(this, "lookAtText", "a guild deed");
  return (0x01);
trigger use
  member obj Q4QV = user;
  member obj myHome;
  obj Q4UO;
  if (hasObjVar(Q4QV, "guildstoneId"))
    barkTo(Q4QV, Q4QV, "You must resign from your current guild before founding another!");
    return (0x00);
  Q4UO = isAnyMultiBelow(getLocation(Q4QV));
  myHome = Q4UO;
  if (myHome == NULL())
    barkTo(Q4QV, Q4QV, "You can only place a guildstone in a house or on a ship.");
    return (0x00);
  if (!Q593(myHome, Q4QV))
    barkTo(Q4QV, Q4QV, "You can only place a guildstone in a house or ship you own!");
    return (0x00);
  if (Q58Q(myHome))
    barkTo(Q4QV, Q4QV, "Only one guildstone may reside in a given house or ship.");
    return (0x00);
  member loc Q4UM = getLocation(Q4QV);
  systemMessage(Q4QV, "Enter the name of your new guild:");
  textEntry(this, Q4QV, 0x1B, 0x00, "");
  return (0x00);
trigger textentry(0x1B)
  if (isObscene(text))
    barkTo(Q4QV, Q4QV, "That name is not permissible.");
    return (0x00);
  if (button != 0x00)
    list Q53D = text, 0x01;
    multiMessageToLoc(Q55H, "requestChangeName", Q53D);
    return (0x00);
  barkTo(Q4QV, Q4QV, "Placement of guildstone cancelled.");
  return (0x00);
trigger message("cannotChangeName")
  list Q4E0;
  copyList(Q4E0, args);
  string Q58D;
  string Q5C2 = Q4E0[0x01];
  Q58D = "There is already a guild named " + Q5C2 + " on this shard.";
  barkTo(Q4QV, Q4QV, Q58D);
  return (0x01);
trigger message("canChangeName")
  string name = args[0x00];
  string Q58D = "A new guild hath been founded, to be called " + name + "!";
  barkTo(Q4QV, Q4QV, Q58D);
  obj guild = createNoResObjectAt(0x0ED5, Q4UM);
  if (!Q58X(myHome, guild))
    barkTo(Q4QV, Q4QV, "Only one guildstone may reside in on a given house or ship.");
    return (0x00);
  setObjVar(guild, "guildName", name);
  setObjVar(guild, "lookAtText", "The Guildstone for " + name);
  setObjVar(guild, "myHome", myHome);
  attachScript(guild, "guildstone");
  return (0x01);