Script: Comcrystal

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member int charges;
member list Q535;
member int Q454;
member int Q55T;
function int Q42O()
  return (numInList(Q535));
function int Q431()
  if (charges != 0x00)
    return (0x01);
  return (0x00);
function int Q42M()
  return (charges);
function void Q41H(obj Q4XN)
  int value = 0x00;
  if (hasObjVar(Q4XN, "mybasevalue"))
    value = getObjVar(Q4XN, "mybasevalue");
  int Q4AX = Q42M();
  int Q5BE = 0x00;
  if (Q4AX < 0x00)
    Q5BE = 0x03E7;
    Q5BE = 0x01 * Q4AX / 0x0A;
  Q5BE = Q5BE + 0x05;
  if (Q5BE != value)
    setObjVar(Q4XN, "mybasevalue", Q5BE);
  return ();
function void Q43X(int newcharges)
  charges = newcharges;
  return ();
function void Q43Z(int newcharges)
  return ();
function int Q580(int Q463)
  charges = charges + Q463;
  return (charges);
function int Q4YY(obj Q4XN)
  int Q5NC = hasObjVar(Q4XN, "isComCrystal");
  return (Q5NC);
function void Q5RA(obj it, int status)
  int newType = 0x1ECD;
  if (status)
    newType = 0x1ED0;
  if (getObjType(it) != newType)
    setType(it, newType);
  return ();
function void Q5R8(obj it, int status)
  Q454 = status;
  Q5RA(it, Q454);
  return ();
function int Q63I(obj user, obj Q4XN)
  if (Q454)
    Q5R8(Q4XN, 0x00);
    systemMessage(user, "You turn the crystal off.");
    Q5R8(Q4XN, 0x01);
    systemMessage(user, "You turn the crystal on.");
  return (Q454);
function int Q656(obj user, obj Q4XN)
  if (isInList(Q535, Q4XN))
    systemMessage(user, "This crystal is already linked with that crystal.");
    return (0x00);
  appendToList(Q535, Q4XN);
  systemMessage(user, "That crystal has been linked to this crystal.");
  return (0x01);
function int Q4BE(obj Q4XN, obj user)
  if (!Q431())
    systemMessage(user, "This crystal is out of charges.");
    return (0x00);
  return (0x01);
function int Q5QW(obj sender, obj speaker, string arg)
  if (!Q431())
    return (0x00);
  list Q5QZ;
  appendToList(Q5QZ, speaker);
  string Q5R1 = getName(speaker);
  appendToList(Q5QZ, Q5R1);
  int Q5UG = getDefaultTextHue(speaker);
  appendToList(Q5QZ, Q5UG);
  appendToList(Q5QZ, arg);
  int num = numInList(Q535);
  int Q4EJ;
  for(Q4EJ = 0x00; Q4EJ < num; Q4EJ++)
    obj Q5R3 = Q535[Q4EJ];
    multimessage(Q5R3, "comspeech", Q5QZ);
    if (Q580((0x00 - 0x01)) == 0x00)
      Q63I(speaker, sender);
  return (Q4EJ);
function void Q4CR()
  if (hasObjVar(this, "newcharges"))
    int newcharges = getObjVar(this, "newcharges");
    removeObjVar(this, "newcharges");
  return ();
function string Q4S3()
  string name;
  if (Q454)
    concat(name, "an active ");
    concat(name, "an inactive ");
  concat(name, "crystal of communication");
  concat(name, " with ");
  int Q4AX = Q42M();
  if (Q4AX < 0x00)
    concat(name, "infinite");
    name = name + Q4AX;
  concat(name, " charges");
  int Q5EU = Q42O();
  if (Q5EU > 0x00)
    concat(name, " and ");
    name = name + Q5EU;
    concat(name, " links");
  return (name);
function void Q5RE()
  string name = Q4S3();
  setObjVar(this, "lookAtText", name);
  return ();
function int Q4SO(obj it)
  int Q65M = getObjType(it);
  int power = 0x00 - 0x01;
  switch (Q65M)
  case 0x0F25
  case 0x0F15
  case 0x0F23
  case 0x0F24
  case 0x0F2C
    power = 0x01F4;
  case 0x0F0A
  case 0x0F14
  case 0x0F1A
  case 0x0F1C
  case 0x0F1D
  case 0x0F2A
  case 0x0F2B
  case 0x0F18
  case 0x0F1E
  case 0x0F20
  case 0x0F2D
    power = 0x02EE;
  case 0x0F10
  case 0x0F2F
  case 0x0F11
  case 0x0F12
  case 0x0F19
  case 0x0F1F
  case 0x0F16
  case 0x0F17
  case 0x0F22
  case 0x0F2E
    power = 0x03E8;
  case 0x0F0F
  case 0x0F1B
  case 0x0F21
    power = 0x04E2;
  case 0x0F26
  case 0x0F27
  case 0x0F28
  case 0x0F29
  case 0x0F30
    power = 0x07D0;
  return (power);
function void Q442(obj it)
  return ();
function int Q4CL(obj it, obj user)
  obj Q4E2 = getTopmostContainer(it);
  if ((Q4E2 != NULL()) && (Q4E2 != user))
    return (0x00);
  int power;
  power = Q4SO(it);
  if (power <= 0x00)
    return (0x00);
  if (Q42M() < 0x00)
    systemMessage(user, "This crystal can not be recharged.");
    return (0x00);
  if (Q42M() >= Q55T)
    systemMessage(user, "This crystal is already fully charged.");
    return (0x00);
  int num = charges + power;
  if (num >= Q55T)
    num = Q55T;
    systemMessage(user, "You completely recharge the crystal.");
    systemMessage(user, "You recharge the crystal.");
  return (0x01);
trigger creation
  Q55T = 0x07D0;
  setObjVar(this, "isComCrystal", 0x01);
  Q5R8(this, 0x00);
  attachScript(this, "speechrelay");
  return (0x01);
trigger lookedat
  string name = Q4S3();
  barkTo(this, looker, name);
  return (0x00);
trigger use
  targetobj(user, this);
  return (0x01);
trigger targetobj
  if (!isValid(usedon))
    return (0x00);
  if (Q4CL(usedon, user))
    return (0x00);
  if (!Q4BE(this, user))
    return (0x00);
  if (usedon == this)
    Q63I(user, this);
    if (Q4YY(usedon))
      Q656(user, usedon);
      systemMessage(user, "You can not use this crystal on that.");
  return (0x01);
trigger message("speechrelayed")
  if (Q454)
    int Q527 = Q5QW(this, args[0x00], args[0x01]);
  return (0x00);
trigger message("comspeech")
  string Q5R1 = args[0x01];
  int Q5R0 = args[0x02];
  string Q5R5 = args[0x03];
  string Q5CR;
  obj Q4E2 = getTopmostContainer(this);
  if ((Q4E2 != NULL()))
    if (isPlayer(Q4E2))
      concat(Q5CR, "Crystal: ");
  concat(Q5CR, Q5R1);
  concat(Q5CR, " says ");
  concat(Q5CR, Q5R5);
  int Q5NC = 0x01;
  if (Q4E2 == NULL())
    Q5NC = superBark(this, Q5CR, Q5R0, 0x03, 0x07);
    if (isPlayer(Q4E2))
      Q5NC = textMessage(Q4E2, Q5CR, Q5R0, 0x03, 0x06);
      Q5NC = superBark(Q4E2, Q5CR, Q5R0, 0x03, 0x07);
  return (0x01);