Script: Prisoner

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inherits globals;
function string Q4SG()
  list Q5KU = "A kidnapping!", "Help!", "Help us, please!", "Adventurers needed!", "Seeking assistance", "In need of aid", "Canst thou help us?", "Shall any save our friend?", "A friend was kidnapped!", "Heroes wanted!", "Can any assist us?", "Kidnapped!", "Taken prisoner";
  string Q636 = Q5KU[random(0x00, numInList(Q5KU) - 0x01)];
  return (Q636);
function string Q4TB()
  list Q5KU = "They are in terrible danger!", "Help!", "Help us, please!", "Please, someone help!", "Surely not all are cowards?", "We desperately need help!", "Canst thou help us?", "Shall any save our friend?", "A friend was kidnapped!", "Look not away from our need!", "Can any assist us?", "In Lord British's name, help!", "I fear for their life...";
  string Q636 = Q5KU[random(0x00, numInList(Q5KU) - 0x01)];
  return (Q636);
function string Q4TD()
  list Q5KU = "foul", "vile", "evil", "dark", "cruel", "vicious", "scoundrelly", "dastardly", "cowardly", "craven", "foul and monstrous", "monstrous", "hideous", "terrible", "cruel, evil", "truly vile", "vicious and cunning", "";
  string Q636 = Q5KU[random(0x00, numInList(Q5KU) - 0x01)];
  return (Q636);
function string Q4RI(string Q5NW)
  if (Q5NW == "city_yew")
    return ("the city of Yew");
  if (Q5NW == "city_minoc")
    return ("the city of Minoc");
  if (Q5NW == "city_vesper")
    return ("the city of Vesper");
  if (Q5NW == "city_cove")
    return ("the village of Cove");
  if (Q5NW == "city_britain")
    return ("the city of Britain");
  if (Q5NW == "city_moonglow")
    return ("the city of Moonglow");
  if (Q5NW == "city_magincia")
    return ("the city of Magincia");
  if (Q5NW == "city_ocllo")
    return ("the island of Ocllo");
  if (Q5NW == "city_skara")
    return ("Skara Brae");
  if (Q5NW == "city_trinsic")
    return ("Trinsic");
  if (Q5NW == "city_nujelm")
    return ("Nujel'm");
  if (Q5NW == "city_serphold")
    return ("Serpent's Hold");
  if (Q5NW == "city_jhelom")
    return ("the city of Jhelom");
  if (Q5NW == "city_bucden")
    return ("Buccaneer's Den");
  if (Q5NW == "shrine")
    return ("any of the shrines of the Virtues");
  if (Q5NW == "inn")
    return ("an inn where I can rest and recover");
  if (Q5NW == "tavern")
    return ("a tavern where I can recover");
  if (Q5NW == "city")
    return ("any city");
  return ("an inn");
trigger creation
  setObjVar(this, "isPrisoner", 0x01);
  member string Q5L1;
  list Q5JS = "inn", "tavern", "city", "shrine", "city_yew", "city_vesper", "city_minoc", "city_nujelm", "city_cove", "city_moonglow", "city_magincia", "city_ocllo", "city_serphold", "city_jhelom", "city_skara", "city_trinsic";
  Q5L1 = Q5JS[random(0x00, numInList(Q5JS) - 0x01)];
  member string Q5L2 = Q4RI(Q5L1);
  member string Q67O;
  if (!hasObjVar(this, "questVillains"))
    Q67O = "orcs";
    Q67O = getObjVar(this, "questVillains");
  obj Q48I = findClosestBBoard(getLocation(this));
  obj Q58D = createNoResObjectIn(0x0EB0, Q48I);
  loc Q5M7;
  string Q496;
  int Q4QX = getLocalizedDesc(Q496, Q5M7, getLocation(this), getLocation(Q48I));
  if (!Q4QX)
    Q496 = "the woods";
  list postText = Q4SG(), "Help us please! " + getName(this) + " hath", "been kidnapped by ", Q4TD() + " " + Q67O + "!", "We believe that " + getHeShe(this) + " is held in", Q496, getDistance(getLocation(Q48I), getLocation(this)), getDirection(getLocation(Q48I), getLocation(this)) + ".", Q4TB();
  setObjVar(Q58D, "postText", postText);
  setObjVar(this, "myBoardPost", Q58D);
  return (0x01);
trigger enterrange(0x08)
  if (hasObjVar(this, "isPrisoner"))
    if (!isPlayer(target))
      return (0x01);
    switch (random(0x00, 0x05))
    case 0x00
      bark(this, "HELP!");
    case 0x01
      bark(this, "Help me!");
    case 0x02
      bark(this, "Canst thou aid me?!");
    case 0x03
      bark(this, "Help a poor prisoner!");
    case 0x04
      bark(this, "Help! Please!");
    case 0x05
      bark(this, "Aaah! Help me!");
  return (0x01);
trigger enterrange(0x01)
  if (hasObjVar(this, "isPrisoner"))
    bark(this, "Quickly, I beg thee! Unlock my chains! If thou dost look at me close thou canst see them.");
  return (0x01);
trigger use
  if (!hasObjVar(this, "isPrisoner"))
    callback(this, 0x64, 0x7A);
    return (0x01);
  if (isDead(user))
    return (0x01);
  if (hasObjVar(this, "myBoardPost"))
    obj Q48K = getObjVar(this, "myBoardPost");
  bark(this, "*The chains are open.*");
  removeObjVar(this, "isPrisoner");
  followNpc(this, user, 0x00);
  setObjVar(this, "myRescuer", user);
  string Q58D = "I thank thee! If thou dost take me to " + Q5L2 + ", I am sure that thou wilt be rewarded!";
  bark(this, Q58D);
  callback(this, 0x05, 0x01);
  return (0x00);
trigger speech("*")
  if (hasObjVar(this, "myRescuer"))
    obj Q4O5 = getObjVar(this, "myRescuer");
    if (speaker == Q4O5)
      followNpc(this, speaker, 0x00);
  return (0x01);
trigger callback(0x01)
  if (!isInArea(Q5L1, getLocation(this), 0x00))
    callBack(this, 0x05, 0x01);
    return (0x01);
  if (!hasObjVar(this, "myRescuer"))
    callback(this, 0xC8, 0x7A);
    return (0x01);
  obj Q5MW = getObjVar(this, "myRescuer");
  string Q58D = "I thank thee, " + getName(Q5MW) + "!";
  removeObjVar(this, "myRescuer");
  bark(this, Q58D);
  if (!getCompileFlag(0x01))
    if (getNotoriety(Q5MW) < 0x7F)
      addNotoriety(Q5MW, 0x01);
    changeFame(Q5MW, 0x03E8);
  obj reward = requestCreateObjectAt(0x0EED, getLocation(Q5MW));
  int success;
  if (reward != NULL())
    success = requestAddQuantity(reward, random(0x64, 0x01F4));
  if (!success)
    bark(this, "I fear that I lied about a reward, however. I lack any funds.");
    callback(this, 0xC8, 0x7A);
    return (0x01);
  obj Q491 = getBackpack(Q5MW);
  success = putObjContainer(reward, Q491);
  callback(this, 0xC8, 0x7A);
  return (0x01);
trigger callback(0x7A)
  return (0x01);