Script: Armslore

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inherits sk_table;
trigger message("canUseSkill")
  return (0x00);
trigger callback(0x4D)
  detachScript(this, "armslore");
  return (0x00);
trigger message("useSkill")
  callback(this, 0x0A, 0x4D);
  targetObj(this, this);
  systemMessage(this, "What item do you wish to get information about?");
  return (0x00);
trigger oortargetobj
  if (usedon == NULL())
    return (0x00);
  loc Q4VS = getLocation(user);
  loc there = getLocation(usedon);
  if (getDistanceInTiles(Q4VS, there) > 0x03)
    systemMessage(user, "You are too far away to tell much about it.");
    return (0x00);
  if (!isFreelyViewable(usedon, user))
    systemMessage(user, "You can't see it well enough to tell much about it.");
    return (0x00);
  if (!isWeapon(usedon))
    systemMessage(user, "This is neither weapon nor armor.");
    return (0x00);
  if (!skillTest(user, 0x04))
    systemMessage(user, "You are not certain...");
    return (0x00);
  int Q65K = 0x00;
  int Q4GH = getAverageDamage(usedon);
  int Q44Z = getCurArmorClass(usedon);
  int Q5TO = isSlashing(usedon);
  int Q5IC = isPiercing(usedon);
  int Q47X = isBashing(usedon);
  int range = getWeaponRange(usedon);
  int ranged = isRanged(usedon);
  int poison = hasScript(usedon, "poisweap");
  if (getWeaponHandedness(usedon) == 0x04)
    Q65K = 0x01;
    Q65K = 0x00;
  string weapon = getWeaponName(usedon);
  string damage = "";
  string Q65M = "";
  string Q5LE = "";
  string Q5KT = "";
  if (Q4GH)
    if (Q4GH < 0x03)
      damage = "might scratch your opponent slightly";
    if (Q4GH > 0x02)
      damage = "would do minimal damage";
    if (Q4GH > 0x05)
      damage = "would do some damage";
    if (Q4GH > 0x0A)
      damage = "would probably hurt your opponent a fair amount";
    if (Q4GH > 0x0F)
      damage = "would inflict quite a lot of damage and pain";
    if (Q4GH > 0x14)
      damage = "would be a superior weapon";
    if (Q4GH > 0x19)
      damage = "would be extraordinarily deadly";
    Q65M = " when you hit someone with it";
    if (Q5IC)
      Q65M = " when you stabbed ";
      if (ranged)
        Q65M = " when you shot someone ";
      if (Q5TO)
        concat(Q65M, "or slashed ");
      if (Q47X)
        concat(Q65M, "or bashed ");
      concat(Q65M, "with it");
    if (Q5TO)
      Q65M = " when you slashed ";
      if (Q5IC)
        concat(Q65M, "or stabbed ");
      if (Q47X)
        concat(Q65M, "or bashed ");
      concat(Q65M, "with it");
    if ((Q47X) && (range > 0x02))
      Q65M = "";
    if ((Q47X) && (range < 0x03))
      Q65M = " when you bashed ";
      if (Q5TO)
        concat(Q65M, "or slashed ");
      if (Q5IC)
        concat(Q65M, "or stabbed ");
      concat(Q65M, "with it");
    if ((Q65K == 0x01) && (range < 0x03))
      concat(Q65M, " twohanded");
    Q5LE = " at short range";
    if (ranged)
      Q5LE = "";
    if (range == 0x02)
      Q5LE = ", and it has a good reach";
    if ((range > 0x02) && (!ranged))
      Q5LE = " at long range";
    if (Q44Z < 0x01)
      Q5KT = "offers no defense against attackers";
    if (Q44Z > 0x00)
      Q5KT = "provides almost no protection";
    if (Q44Z > 0x05)
      Q5KT = "provides very little protection";
    if (Q44Z > 0x0A)
      Q5KT = "offers some protection against blows";
    if (Q44Z > 0x0F)
      Q5KT = "serves as sturdy protection";
    if (Q44Z > 0x14)
      Q5KT = "is a superior defense against attack";
    if (Q44Z > 0x19)
      Q5KT = "offers excellent protection";
    if (Q44Z > 0x1E)
      Q5KT = "is superbly crafted to provide maximum protection";
  string Q5ZQ = "This " + weapon + " " + Q5KT + damage + Q65M + Q5LE + ".";
  if ((Q44Z == 0x00) && (Q4GH == 0x00))
    Q5ZQ = "This so-called ";
    concat(Q5ZQ, weapon);
    concat(Q5ZQ, " is useless.");
  if (getWeaponMinStr(usedon) > getStrength(user))
    concat(Q5ZQ, " It is too heavy for you, though. ");
  int Q48B = getWeaponMaxHP(usedon);
  int Q4FV = getWeaponCurHP(usedon);
  concat(Q5ZQ, "  It looks ");
  int Q61C = 0x0A * Q4FV / Q48B;
  switch (Q61C)
  case 0x01
    concat(Q5ZQ, "like it is about to fall apart.");
  case 0x02
    concat(Q5ZQ, "rather flimsy and not at all trustworthy.");
  case 0x03
    concat(Q5ZQ, "somewhat badly damaged.");
  case 0x04
    concat(Q5ZQ, "rather battered.");
  case 0x05
    concat(Q5ZQ, "like it has been well-used.");
  case 0x06
    concat(Q5ZQ, "to have suffered some wear and tear.");
  case 0x07
    concat(Q5ZQ, "to be in fairly good condition.");
  case 0x08
    concat(Q5ZQ, "barely used, with just a few nicks and scratches.");
  case 0x09
    concat(Q5ZQ, "almost new.");
  case 0x0A
    concat(Q5ZQ, "brand-new.");
  if (poison)
    concat(Q5ZQ, " It appears to have poison smeared on it.");
  systemMessage(user, Q5ZQ);
  return (0x00);