Script: Guarded

From Ultima Online: The Second Age
Revision as of 21:46, 5 October 2018 by Grimoric (talk | contribs) (Created page with " <span style="color:#0000FF">inherits</span> globals; forward <span style="color:#0000FF">void</span> <span style="color:#2B91AF">Q672</span>(); <span style="...")
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inherits globals;
forward void Q672();
trigger objectloaded
  if (!hasObjVar(this, "myGuards"))
    return (0x01);
  list myGuards;
  getObjListVar(myGuards, this, "myGuards");
  int num = Q5MA(myGuards);
  setObjVar(this, "myGuards", myGuards);
  return (0x01);
function void Q41I(obj Q47S, obj corpse)
  if (corpse == NULL())
    bark(Q47S, "CORPSE BAD (flobbitz)");
    bark(Q47S, "CORPSE OK (flobbitz)");
  return ();
function void Q49I(int Q65M, obj user, obj Q5QN)
  int i;
  obj Q44M;
  list myGuards;
  list Q5BU;
  if (!hasObjVar(this, "myGuards"))
    return ();
  getObjListVar(myGuards, this, "myGuards");
  for(i = 0x00; i < numInList(myGuards); i++)
    Q44M = myGuards[i];
    if (isValid(Q44M))
      appendToList(Q5BU, Q44M);
  setObjVar(this, "myGuards", Q5BU);
  if (inJusticeRegion(getLocation(this)))
    return ();
  for(i = 0x00; i < numInList(Q5BU); i++)
    Q44M = Q5BU[i];
    setObjVar(Q44M, "guardedObjectOffender", user);
    setObjVar(Q44M, "guardedObjectComplaint", Q65M);
    setObjVar(Q44M, "guardedObjectSecond", Q5QN);
    setObjVar(Q44M, "guardedObjectSender", this);
    shortCallback(Q44M, 0x01, 0x52);
  return ();
trigger ooruse
  if (isMobile(this))
    return (0x01);
  Q49I(0x00, user, NULL());
  return (0x01);
function int Q59K()
  list Q57V;
  obj x;
  obj y;
  if (!hasObjVar(this, "myGuards"))
    return (0x00);
  getMobsInRange(Q57V, getLocation(this), 0x0A);
  for(int i = 0x00; i < numInList(Q57V); i++)
    obj Q4FI = Q57V[i];
    if (isInObjVarListSet(this, "myGuards", Q4FI))
      return (0x01);
  return (0x00);
trigger enterrange(0x05)
  if (!inJusticeRegion(getLocation(this)))
    if (isMobile(this))
      if (Q59K())
        if (!isHidden(this))
          ebarkTo(this, target, "[guarded]");
      if (getObjType(this) != 0x01)
        if (Q59K())
          if (!isHidden(this))
            ebarkTo(this, target, getName(this) + " looks like it is being guarded.");
  Q49I(0x01, target, NULL());
  return (0x01);
trigger gotattacked
  Q49I(0x02, attacker, NULL());
  return (0x01);
trigger washit
  Q49I(0x02, attacker, NULL());
  return (0x01);
trigger wasgotten
  Q49I(0x02, getter, NULL());
  return (0x01);
trigger death
  Q49I(0x03, attacker, corpse);
  return (0x01);
trigger lookedat
  if (!inJusticeRegion(getLocation(this)))
    if (!isHidden(this))
      ebarkTo(this, looker, "[guarded]");
  return (0x01);
function void Q672()
  if (Q59K())
    return ();
  removeObjVar(this, "myGuards");
  detachScript(this, "guarded");
  return ();