Script: Incogntobase

From Ultima Online: The Second Age
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inherits spelskil;
function int Q4V7(obj it)
  if (isMobile(it))
    int Q65M = getObjType(it);
    if ((Q65M == 0x0190) || (Q65M == 0x0191))
      return (0x01);
  return (0x00);
function int Q49Z(obj usedon)
  if (!Q50G(usedon))
    return (0x00);
  if (!Q4V7(usedon))
    return (0x00);
  if (hasScript(usedon, "remincognito"))
    return (0x00);
  if (hasScript(usedon, "polychec"))
    return (0x00);
  return (0x01);
function int Q4KA(obj user, obj usedon)
  int Q5NC = 0x00;
  if (Q49Z(usedon))
    Q5NC = 0x01;
    int Q4NC;
    int Q4G8;
    loc Q4VS = getLocation(user);
    loc there = getLocation(usedon);
    doMobAnimation(usedon, 0x373A, 0x0A, 0x0F, 0x00, 0x00);
    sfx(there, 0x01EC, 0x00);
    if (getSkillLevel(user, 0x19) < 0x0A)
      Q4NC = 0x06;
      Q4NC = 0x06 * getSkillLevel(user, 0x19) / 0x05;
    int Q527 = Q41J(user, usedon, 0x00, this);
    obj Q4US = getItemAtSlot(usedon, 0x0B);
    if (Q4US != NULL())
      setObjVar(usedon, "origHairStyle", getObjType(Q4US));
      setObjVar(usedon, "origHairColor", getHue(Q4US));
      setObjVar(usedon, "origHairStyle", 0x00);
    obj Q4OP = getItemAtSlot(usedon, 0x10);
    if (Q4OP != NULL())
      setObjVar(usedon, "origFacialHairStyle", getObjType(Q4OP));
      setObjVar(usedon, "origFacialHairColor", getHue(Q4OP));
      setObjVar(usedon, "origFacialHairStyle", 0x00);
    setObjVar(usedon, "origSkinColor", getHue(usedon));
    setObjVar(usedon, "origName", getRealName(usedon));
    int Q4RA = 0x01;
    if (getObjType(usedon) == 0x0191)
      Q4RA = 0x00;
    setRealNameFromTemplate(usedon, 0x00);
    setPartialHue(usedon, random(0x03EA, 0x0422));
    int Q4UT = random(0x00, 0x09);
    if (Q4RA == 0x00 || (Q4UT != 0x00))
      list Q4UU = 0x2046, 0x203B, 0x203C, 0x203D, 0x2044, 0x2045, 0x2047, 0x2048, 0x2049, 0x204A;
      Q4UT = Q4UU[Q4UT];
    if (Q4UT)
      Q4US = createNoResObjectIn(Q4UT, usedon);
      setHue(Q4US, random(0x044E, 0x047D));
      int Q4EL = equipObj(Q4US, usedon, 0x0B);
    if (Q4RA == 0x01)
      list Q4OR = 0x00, 0x2040, 0x203E, 0x203F, 0x2041, 0x204B, 0x204C, 0x204D;
      Q4UT = Q4OR[random(0x00, 0x07)];
      if (Q4UT)
        Q4OP = createNoResObjectIn(Q4UT, usedon);
        setHue(Q4OP, random(0x044E, 0x047D));
        int Q4EM = equipObj(Q4OP, usedon, 0x10);
    attachScript(usedon, "remincognito");
    callback(usedon, Q4NC, 0x1D);
  return (Q5NC);