Script: Multistuff

From Ultima Online: The Second Age
Revision as of 19:34, 5 October 2018 by Grimoric (talk | contribs) (Created page with " <span style="color:#0000FF">inherits</span> add_door_to_key; <span style="color:#0000FF">function</span> <span style="color:#0000FF">int</span> Q593(<span style="color:...")
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inherits add_door_to_key;
function int Q593(obj house, obj Q5HY)
  obj Q5AB = NULL();
  if (hasObjVar(house, "myhousedoor"))
    Q5AB = getObjVar(house, "myhousedoor");
  if (Q5AB == NULL())
    if (hasObjListVar(house, "myhousedoors"))
      list Q5Z5;
      getObjListVar(Q5Z5, house, "myhousedoors");
      if (numInList(Q5Z5) > 0x00)
        Q5AB = Q5Z5[0x00];
  if (Q5AB == NULL())
    return (0x00);
  obj Q5NC = mobileHasObjWithListObjOfObj(Q5HY, "whatIUnlock", Q5AB);
  if (Q5NC == NULL())
    return (0x00);
  return (0x01);
function int Q4X6(obj house, obj Q5HY)
  return (Q593(house, Q5HY));
function string Q592(int num, string name, string terrain)
  string Q58D = "A ";
  concat(Q58D, name);
  concat(Q58D, " can not be created here.");
  if (num == (0x00 - 0x09))
    Q58D = "A ";
    concat(Q58D, name);
    concat(Q58D, " can not be created here.  A living creature is blocking the ");
    concat(Q58D, name);
    concat(Q58D, ".");
    return (Q58D);
  if (num == (0x00 - 0x05))
    Q58D = "A ";
    concat(Q58D, name);
    concat(Q58D, " can not be created here.  Either something is blocking the ");
    concat(Q58D, name);
    concat(Q58D, " or part of the ");
    concat(Q58D, name);
    concat(Q58D, " would not be on ");
    concat(Q58D, terrain);
    concat(Q58D, ".");
    return (Q58D);
  if (num <= (0x00 - 0x02))
    Q58D = "An internal error occured.  Please notify a game master that you received this message."
    return (Q58D);
  if (num == (0x00 - 0x01))
    Q58D = "A ";
    concat(Q58D, name);
    concat(Q58D, " can not be created here.");
    return (Q58D);
  if (num == 0x00)
    Q58D = "A ";
    concat(Q58D, name);
    concat(Q58D, " can not be created here.  Either something is blocking the ");
    concat(Q58D, name);
    concat(Q58D, " or part of the ");
    concat(Q58D, name);
    concat(Q58D, " would not be on ");
    concat(Q58D, terrain);
    concat(Q58D, ".");
    return (Q58D);
  if (num > 0x00)
    Q58D = "";
    return (Q58D);
  return (Q58D);
function void Q59B(obj multi)
  if (getDecayMax(multi) == 0xFFFF)
  int Q5ND = setDecayCount(multi, 0x00);
function int Q58S(obj multi)
  int Q4FW = getDecayCount(multi);
  if (Q4FW > 0x00)
    return (0x01);
  return (0x00);
function int Q4TL(obj me)
  obj multi = getMultiSlaveId(me);
  int Q4FW = getDecayCount(multi);
  if (getDecayMax(multi) == 0xFFFF)
    return (0x00);
  if (Q4FW > 0x00)
    return (0x01);
  return (0x00);
function int Q58R(obj multi)
  return (hasObjVar(multi, "mymultiname"));
function string Q58N(obj multi)
  string name = getObjVar(multi, "mymultiname");
  return (name);
function void Q58V(obj multi, string name)
  setObjVar(multi, "mymultiname", name);
function void Q58U(obj multi)
  removeObjVar(multi, "mymultiname");
function int Q58K(obj Q5AK, obj Q68S, string Q68D)
  if (Q4X6(Q5AK, Q68S))
    if (Q4TL(Q5AK))
      string Q5CQ = "Your ";
      concat(Q5CQ, Q68D);
      concat(Q5CQ, "'s age and its contents have been refreshed.");
      systemMessage(Q68S, Q5CQ);
      string Q5AS;
      setObjVar(Q5AK, "refreshtime", Q5AS);
      return (0x01);
  return (0x00);
function int Q58L(obj Q5AK, list Q68S, string Q68D)
  int Q52R = numInList(Q68S);
  obj Q5HY;
  for(int i = 0x00; i < Q52R; i++)
    Q5HY = Q68S[i];
    if (Q58K(Q5AK, Q5HY, Q68D))
      return (0x01);
  return (0x00);
function void Q4D1(obj me, obj Q68S, string Q68D)
  obj Q5AK = getMultiSlaveId(me);
  if (Q58S(Q5AK))
    int Q527 = Q58K(Q5AK, Q68S, Q68D);
  return ();
function void Q58J(obj me, obj Q68S, string Q68D)
  string Q5XK;
  obj multi = getMultiSlaveId(me);
  int Q4H3 = getDecayMax(multi);
  if (Q4H3 == 0xFFFF)
    Q5XK = " is ageless.";
    int Q4FW = getDecayCount(multi);
    if (Q4FW == 0x00)
      Q5XK = " is like new.";
      if (Q4FW < (Q4H3 / 0x04))
        Q5XK = " is slightly worn.";
        if (Q4FW < (0x02 * Q4H3 / 0x04))
          Q5XK = " is somewhat worn.";
          if (Q4FW < (0x03 * Q4H3 / 0x04))
            Q5XK = " is fairly worn.";
            if (Q4FW < (0x13 * Q4H3 / 0x14))
              Q5XK = " is greatly worn.";
              Q5XK = " is in danger of collapsing.";
  string Q5CQ = "This ";
  concat(Q5CQ, Q68D);
  concat(Q5CQ, Q5XK);
  barkTo(me, Q68S, Q5CQ);
  return ();
function int Q58Y(obj Q5AK)
  list Q57V;
  loc Q4VS = getLocation(Q5AK);
  getMobsInRange(Q57V, Q4VS, 0x07);
  int num = numInList(Q57V);
  if (num > 0x00)
    return (0x01);
  return (0x00);
function int Q58P(obj multi)
  if (hasScript(multi, "housedecay"))
    return (0x00);
    if (hasScript(multi, "shipdecay"))
      return (0x01);
  return (0x02);
function obj Q4YP(obj user, loc where)
  list Q4ND;
  getObjectsInRange(Q4ND, where, 0x02);
  int num = numInList(Q4ND);
  for(int i = 0x00; i < num; i++)
    obj it = Q4ND[i];
    if (isMultiComp(it))
      obj multi = getMultiSlaveId(it);
      if (Q58P(multi) == 0x00)
        if (Q4X6(multi, user))
          return (multi);
  return (NULL());
function void Q4WQ(obj house, obj it)
  list Q5AV;
  if (hasObjListVar(house, "vendors"))
    getObjListVar(Q5AV, house, "vendors");
  appendToList(Q5AV, it);
  setObjVar(house, "vendors", Q5AV);
  return ();
function int Q4WR(obj house)
  list Q5AV;
  if (hasObjListVar(house, "vendors"))
    getObjListVar(Q5AV, house, "vendors");
  if (numInList(Q5AV) >= 0x01)
    return (0x00);
  return (0x01);
function void Q4WY(obj house, list Q5AV)
  if (hasObjListVar(house, "vendors"))
    getObjListVar(Q5AV, house, "vendors");
  return ();
function void Q4X2(obj house, obj vendor)
  if (hasObjListVar(house, "vendors"))
    list Q5AV;
    getObjListVar(Q5AV, house, "vendors");
    removeSpecificItem(Q5AV, vendor);
    if (numInList(Q5AV) > 0x00)
      setObjVar(house, "vendors", Q5AV);
      removeObjVar(house, "vendors");
  return ();
function void Q4WS(obj house)
  list Q5AV;
  Q4WY(house, Q5AV);
  obj vendor;
  int num = numInList(Q5AV);
  for(int i = 0x00; i < num; i++)
    vendor = Q5AV[i];
    if (isValid(vendor))
      list args;
      appendToList(args, house);
      message(vendor, "housedecay", args);
  removeObjVar(house, "vendors");
  return ();
function void Q58T(obj multi)
  removeObjVar(multi, "guildstone");
  return ();
function void Q58I(obj multi, obj Q5WA)
  setObjVar(multi, "guildstone", Q5WA);
  return ();
function int Q58Q(obj multi)
  return (hasObjVar(multi, "guildstone"));
function obj Q58M(obj multi)
  obj Q5WA = NULL();
  if (hasObjVar(multi, "guildstone"))
    Q5WA = getObjVar(multi, "guildstone");
  return (Q5WA);
function int Q58X(obj multi, obj Q5WA)
  if (Q58Q(multi))
    return (0x00);
  Q58I(multi, Q5WA);
  return (0x01);
function int Q4ST(obj Q4H5)
  if (!hasObjVar(Q4H5, "myshiptype"))
    return (0x00 - 0x01);
  return (getobjvar_int(Q4H5, "myshiptype"));
function int Q4S1(obj Q4H5)
  if (!hasObjVar(Q4H5, "myhousetype"))
    return (0x00 - 0x01);
  return (getobjvar_int(Q4H5, "myhousetype"));
function int Q4A4(obj Q68S, int Q4OX)
  if (getFameLevel(Q68S) < Q4OX)
    return (0x00);
  return (0x01);
function int Q4A3(obj Q68S, int Q4X9)
  int Q4OX = 0x00;
  switch (Q4X9)
  case 0x00
  case 0x01
  case 0x02
  case 0x03
  case 0x04
  case 0x05
  case 0x14
    Q4OX = 0x02;
  case 0x06
  case 0x07
    Q4OX = 0x01;
  case 0x08
  case 0x09
  case 0x0A
    Q4OX = 0x03;
  case 0x0B
  case 0x0C
  case 0x0D
    Q4OX = 0x04;
  return (Q4A4(Q68S, Q4OX));
function int Q4A6(obj Q68S, int Q5SR)
  int Q4OX = 0x00;
  switch (Q5SR)
  case 0x00
  case 0x01
    Q4OX = 0x02;
  case 0x02
  case 0x03
    Q4OX = 0x03;
  case 0x04
  case 0x05
    Q4OX = 0x04;
  return (Q4A4(Q68S, Q4OX));
function int Q4A5(obj Q68S, obj Q4H5)
  int Q65M = Q4S1(Q4H5);
  if (Q65M >= 0x00)
    return (Q4A3(Q68S, Q65M));
    Q65M = Q4ST(Q4H5);
    if (Q65M >= 0x00)
      return (Q4A6(Q68S, Q65M));
  return (0x01);
function int Q591(obj Q4H5)
  int Q65M = Q4S1(Q4H5);
  if (Q65M >= 0x00)
    return (0x00);
    Q65M = Q4ST(Q4H5);
    if (Q65M >= 0x00)
      return (0x01);
  return (0x02);
function void Q58W(obj multi, obj Q68S)
  return ();
function obj Q58O(obj multi)
  return (NULL());
function void Q599(obj Q68S, obj multi)
  return ();
function void Q598(obj Q68S, obj multi)
  return ();
function obj Q597(obj Q68S)
  return (NULL());
function obj Q595(obj Q68S)
  return (NULL());
function obj Q596(obj Q68S, int Q65M)
  switch (Q65M)
  case 0x00
    return (Q595(Q68S));
  case 0x01
    return (Q597(Q68S));
  return (NULL());
function int Q594(obj Q68S, int Q65M)
  obj multi = Q596(Q68S, Q65M);
  if (multi != NULL())
    return (0x00);
  return (0x01);
function int Q590(obj user, obj Q4H5)
  if (getCompileFlag(0x02))
    if (!Q4A5(user, Q4H5))
      barkTo(Q4H5, user, "You are not famous enough to buy this!");
      return (0x00);
  return (0x01);
function int Q58Z(obj user, obj Q4H5)
  if (getCompileFlag(0x02))
    if (!Q4A5(user, Q4H5))
      barkTo(Q4H5, user, "You are not famous enough to build this!");
      return (0x00);
    if (!Q594(user, Q591(Q4H5)))
      barkTo(Q4H5, user, "You already own one of those!");
      return (0x00);
  return (0x01);