Script: Quest deliver asker

From Ultima Online: The Second Age
Revision as of 07:24, 19 October 2018 by Grimoric (talk | contribs)
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inherits quest_general_funcs;
trigger creation
  if (!hasObjVar(this, "questDeliverReason"))
    debugMessage("Attempted to attach quest-deliver-asker without supplying a reason.");
    detachScript(this, "quest_deliver_asker");
    return (0x01);
  if (!hasObjVar(this, "questDeliverObject"))
    debugMessage("Attempted to attach quest-deliver-asker without supplying an object.");
    detachScript(this, "quest_fetch_asker");
    return (0x01);
  if (!hasObjVar(this, "questItemDestination"))
    debugMessage("Attempted to attach quest-deliver-asker without supplying a destination.");
    detachScript(this, "quest_fetch_asker");
    return (0x01);
  member string Q59W = getObjVar(this, "questDeliverReason");
  member obj Q59U;
  member obj Q59I;
  Q59U = getObjVar(this, "questDeliverObject");
  Q59I = getObjVar(this, "questItemDestination");
  return (0x01);
trigger 100 enterrange(0x05)
  if (!Q4BN(this, target))
    return (0x01);
  string Q58D = Q4RO(target);
  string Q612;
  if (Q59U != NULL())
    Q612 = getName(Q59U);
  Q58D = Q58D + Q59W + Q612 + ". ";
  Q58D = Q58D + "Couldst thou take this one to " + getName(Q59I) + "? ";
  Q58D = Q58D + Q4RP(Q59I);
  Q58D = Q58D + " Payment will be upon delivery. Say 'agreed' if thou dost agree.";
  setObjVar(this, "questIntroMessage", Q58D);
  setObjVar(this, "questTarget", target);
  setObjVar(this, "questJustAsked", target);
  Q4LW(this, target);
  return (0x01);
trigger speech("*")
  if (!hasObjVar(this, "questJustAsked"))
    return (0x01);
  obj them = getObjVar(this, "questJustAsked");
  if (them != speaker)
    return (0x01);
  removeObjVar(this, "questJustAsked");
  list args;
  split(args, arg);
  if (!isInList(args, "agreed"))
    return (0x01);
  bark(this, "I thank thee! In that case, I wash my hands of the task. Here is the item.");
  setObjVar(Q59U, "valueless", 0x01);
  if (giveItem(speaker, Q59U) == NULL())
    int Q4TR = teleport(Q59U, getLocation(speaker));
  removeObjVar(this, "questDeliverObject");
  removeObjVar(this, "questItemDestination");
  removeObjVar(this, "questDeliverReason");
  removeObjVar(this, "isActor");
  detachScript(this, "quest_deliver_asker");
  return (0x00);