Script: Shipplank

From Ultima Online: The Second Age
Revision as of 07:15, 19 October 2018 by Grimoric (talk | contribs)
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inherits shipstuff;
member obj Q49K;
member int Q49L;
function void Q5RV(obj Q5IP)
  obj Q5AK = getMultiSlaveId(Q5IP);
  list Q5Z5;
  if (hasObjVar(Q5AK, "myhousedoors"))
    getObjListVar(Q5Z5, Q5AK, "myhousedoors");
  appendToList(Q5Z5, Q5IP);
  setObjVar(Q5AK, "myhousedoors", Q5Z5);
trigger creation
  int Q5NC = Q53O(this, 0x0100, 0x0100);
  Q49K = NULL();
  Q49L = 0x00;
  return (0x01);
function int Q5S3(int Q5T4, int Q65M)
  switch (Q5T4)
  case 0x00
    switch (Q65M)
    case 0x3EB2
    case 0x3E85
    case 0x3EB1
    case 0x3E8A
      return (0x01);
  case 0x01
    switch (Q65M)
    case 0x3EB1
    case 0x3E8A
    case 0x3EB2
    case 0x3E85
      return (0x01);
  case 0x01
  return (0x00);
function int Q5S2(int Q5T4, int Q65M)
  switch (Q5T4)
  case 0x00
    switch (Q65M)
    case 0x3ED4
    case 0x3E84
    case 0x3ED5
    case 0x3E89
      return (0x01);
  case 0x01
    switch (Q65M)
    case 0x3ED5
    case 0x3E89
    case 0x3ED4
    case 0x3E84
      return (0x01);
  return (0x00);
function int Q5SB(int Q5T4, int Q65M)
  switch (Q5T4)
  case 0x00
    switch (Q65M)
    case 0x3ED4
      return (0x3EB2);
    case 0x3E84
      return (0x3E85);
    case 0x3ED5
      return (0x3EB1);
    case 0x3E89
      return (0x3E8A);
    case 0x3EB2
      return (0x3ED4);
    case 0x3E85
      return (0x3E84);
    case 0x3EB1
      return (0x3ED5);
    case 0x3E8A
      return (0x3E89);
  case 0x01
    switch (Q65M)
    case 0x3ED5
      return (0x3EB1);
    case 0x3E89
      return (0x3E8A);
    case 0x3ED4
      return (0x3EB2);
    case 0x3E84
      return (0x3E85);
    case 0x3EB1
      return (0x3ED5);
    case 0x3E8A
      return (0x3E89);
    case 0x3EB2
      return (0x3ED4);
    case 0x3E85
      return (0x3E84);
  return (Q65M);
function void Q5S9(int Q5T4, obj Q5IB)
  setType(Q5IB, Q5SB(Q5T4, getObjType(Q5IB)));
  int Q4VF = hasObjVar(Q5IB, "notLockable");
  int Q50U = Q5S2(Q5T4, getObjType(Q5IB));
  if ((Q50U) && (!Q4VF))
    int Q527 = 0x01;
    setObjVar(Q5IB, "notLockable", Q527);
  if ((!Q50U) && (Q4VF))
    removeObjVar(Q5IB, "notLockable");
function void Q5RZ(int Q5T4, obj Q5IB, int Q50S)
  Q5S9(Q5T4, Q5IB);
  if ((Q50S) && (Q49K == NULL()))
    Q49L = Q5T4;
    Q49K = Q5IB;
    callback(Q5IB, 0x03, 0x55);
function int Q5SA(int Q5T4, obj Q5IB, obj user)
  Q4D1(Q5IB, user, "ship");
  Q662(user, 0x00);
  int Q5GC = isOnMulti(user, getMultiSlaveId(Q5IB));
  int Q50S = hasObjVar(Q5IB, "isLocked");
  int Q50Q = isEditing(user);
  if (Q50Q && Q50S && !Q5GC)
    barkTo(user, user, "That is locked, but you open it with your godly powers.");
    if (Q50S && !Q5GC)
      barkTo(user, user, "That is locked.");
      return (0x00);
  if (Q5S2(Q5T4, getObjType(Q5IB)))
    loc Q5J4 = getLocation(Q5IB);
    if (getDistanceInTiles(Q5J4, getLocation(user)) > 0x09)
      return (0x00);
    loc Q5CP = getLocation(Q5IB);
    setZ(Q5CP, getZ(Q5CP) + getSurfaceHeight(Q5IB));
    if ((!Q5GC) && (getDistanceInTiles(Q5J4, getLocation(user)) > 0x01) && canSeeLoc(user, Q5CP))
      int Q5NC = teleport(user, Q5CP);
      return (0x00 - 0x01);
    if (areObjectsOn(Q5IB))
      return (0x00);
  Q5RZ(Q5T4, Q5IB, Q50S);
  return (0x01);
function void Q5RX(int Q5T4, obj Q5IB, int oldtype)
  if (Q5S2(Q5T4, oldtype))
    Q5S9(Q5T4, Q5IB);
function int Q5S8(obj Q4XN, loc place, int Q4ID, int num)
  int Q5NC;
  loc Q4G3 = place;
  setZ(Q4G3, getZ(Q4G3) + 0x0F);
  for(int Q4EJ = 0x00; Q4EJ < num; Q4EJ++)
    if (canSeeLoc(Q4XN, Q4G3))
      obj multi = Q4SA(Q4G3);
      if ((multi == NULL()) && (dropCheck(Q4G3, Q4XN, getHeight(Q4XN))))
        if (Q4EJ == 0x00)
          int Q4IA = getZ(Q4G3) - getZ(place);
          if (Q4IA < 0x00)
            Q4IA = Q4IA * (0x00 - 0x01);
          if (Q4IA <= 0x03)
            return (0x00);
        return (teleport(Q4XN, Q4G3));
    moveDir(Q4G3, Q4ID);
  return (0x00);
function int Q5S5(int Q5T4, obj Q5IP, obj Q5HY)
  obj ship = getMultiSlaveId(Q5IP);
  int Q5SH = getObjVar(ship, "myshipdir");
  Q5SH = Q5SH * 0x02;
  int Q5I1 = getFacing(Q5HY);
  int Q4IA = Q5SH - Q5I1;
  if (Q4IA < 0x00)
    Q4IA = 0x08 + Q4IA;
  int Q4DX = 0x06;
  if (Q5T4 == 0x01)
    Q4DX = 0x02;
  if (Q4IA == Q4DX)
    loc Q4D0 = getLocation(Q5HY);
    moveDir(Q4D0, Q5I1);
    moveDir(Q4D0, Q5I1);
    return (!Q5S8(Q5HY, Q4D0, Q5I1, 0x09));
    if (isNPC(Q5HY))
      if (!isOwnedPet(Q5HY))
        return (0x00);
  return (0x01);
function int Q5S7(obj Q5IP, int Q5T4, string Q677)
  obj ship = getMultiSlaveId(Q5IP);
  if (Q5S2(Q5T4, getObjType(Q5IP)))
    setObjVar(ship, Q677, 0x01);
    return (0x01);
    setObjVar(ship, Q677, 0x00);
    return (0x00);
  return (0x00);
function void Q5S6(obj ship)
  loc Q5AH = getLocation(ship);
  list Q57V;
  getPlayersInRange(Q57V, Q5AH, 0x07);
  for(int i = 0x00; i < numInList(Q57V); i++)
    obj Q62I = Q57V[i];
    if (isOnMulti(Q62I, ship))
      musicTo(Q62I, 0x20);
trigger callback(0x55)
  int Q5T4 = Q49L;
  obj Q5IB = Q49K;
  if (Q49K != NULL())
    if (Q5S2(Q5T4, getObjType(Q5IB)))
      if (areObjectsOn(Q5IB))
        callback(Q5IB, 0x03, 0x55);
        return (0x01);
      Q5S9(Q5T4, Q5IB);
      string Q677 = "shiprightplank";
      if (Q5T4)
        Q677 = "shipleftplank";
      int Q527 = Q5S7(this, Q5T4, Q677);
    Q49K = NULL();
    Q49L = 0x00;
  return (0x01);
function void Q5RW(int Q5T4, obj Q5IB, obj user)
  if (isDead(user) && isManifesting(user))
    int Q50U = Q5S2(Q5T4, getObjType(Q5IB));
    if (!Q50U)
      int Q5GC = isOnMulti(user, getMultiSlaveId(Q5IB));
      int Q50S = hasObjVar(Q5IB, "isLocked");
      if ((!Q5GC) && (Q50S))
        barkTo(user, user, "That is locked.");
        Q5RZ(Q5T4, Q5IB, Q50S);
  return ();