Script: Cook

From Ultima Online: The Second Age
Revision as of 06:37, 19 October 2018 by Grimoric (talk | contribs)
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inherits sk_table;
forward void Q4E8(obj user, obj Q66M, int Q4QY, string name);
function void Q4E9(obj user, obj Q66M, int Q4QY)
  string name = "default";
  Q4E8(user, Q66M, Q4QY, name);
  return ();
function int Q4Z2(int Q66P)
  int Q4PD = 0x00;
  switch (Q66P)
  case 0x0DE9
  case 0x0FAC
  case 0x0FB1
  case 0x19AA
  case 0x19BB
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x0461) && (Q66P <= 0x0466))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x046A) && (Q66P <= 0x046F))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x0475) && (Q66P <= 0x0480))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x092B) && (Q66P <= 0x0933))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x0937) && (Q66P <= 0x0942))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x0945) && (Q66P <= 0x0950))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x0953) && (Q66P <= 0x095E))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x0961) && (Q66P <= 0x096C))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x0DE3) && (Q66P <= 0x0DE8))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x12EE) && (Q66P <= 0x134D))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x197A) && (Q66P <= 0x19A9))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x19AB) && (Q66P <= 0x19B6))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x1A19) && (Q66P <= 0x1A74))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x5D7E) && (Q66P <= 0x5D93))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x343B) && (Q66P <= 0x346C))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x3547) && (Q66P <= 0x354C))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  if ((Q66P >= 0x398C) && (Q66P <= 0x399F))
    Q4PD = 0x01;
  return (Q4PD);
function void Q4E8(obj user, obj Q66M, int Q4QY, string name)
  if (isAtHome(this))
    systemMessage(user, "You can't use that, it belongs to someone else.");
    return ();
  int Q66P = getObjType(Q66M);
  if (Q4Z2(Q66P))
    if (!testSkill(user, 0x0D))
      systemMessage(user, "You burn the food to a crisp! It's ruined.");
      return ();
    if (name != "default")
      if (hasObjVar(this, "NAME"))
        removeObjVar(this, "NAME");
        setObjVar(this, "NAME", name);
    if (random(0x00, 0x01))
      barkTo(user, user, "Looks delicious.");
      barkTo(user, user, "Mmmm, smells good.");
    obj Q47F = getBackpack(user);
    int Q4TM;
    obj Q5CN = createGlobalObjectOn(this, Q4QY);
    if (!isInContainer(this))
      if (canHold(Q47F, Q5CN))
        Q4TM = putObjContainer(Q5CN, Q47F);
        systemMessage(user, "You put the cooked food into your backpack.");
        Q4TM = teleport(Q5CN, getLocation(user));
        systemMessage(user, "You put the cooked food on the ground.");
    systemMessage(user, "You can't cook on that.");
  return ();