Script Function: Q508

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 function int Q508(obj it)
   if (hasScript(it, "teleporter"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "dec_teleport"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "des1_ankh_tele_1"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "des1_ankh_tele_2"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "despise_teleporter_four"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "despise_teleporter_one"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "despise_teleporter_three"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "despise_teleporter_two"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "dest_tele_one"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_tele_new"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_teleporter"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_teleporter2"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_teleporter3"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_teleporter4"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_teleporter5"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_teleporter6"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_teleporter7"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_teler_lever_2"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_teler_switch"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_teleroom_lever"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "sha_teleroom_wall"))
     return (0x01);
   if (hasScript(it, "trap_tele_gen_er_one"))
     return (0x01);
   return (0x00);