Script Function: Q57Z
From Ultima Online: The Second Age
function void Q57Z() { if (0x00) { systemMessage(this, "STATE:" + state); } switch (state) { case 0x01 Q49J = "Walk by holding down the right mouse button in the world around you."; break; case 0x02 Q49J = "Open the door by double clicking on it while standing next to it."; break; case 0x03 Q49J = "The bulletin board is " + getDirection(getLocation(this), Q52E) + "."; break; case 0x04 Q49J = "Double click the board to read the messages on it."; break; case 0x05 Q49J = ""; break; case 0x06 Q49J = "The sage that can help us lives " + getDirection(getLocation(this), Q54F) + "."; break; case 0x07 Q49J = "Ask the sage about the 'dragon.' Talk by typing in what you want so say and press enter."; break; case 0x08 Q49J = "The blacksmith's shoppe is " + getDirection(getLocation(this), Q529) + "."; break; case 0x09 Q49J = "Get the shopkeep's attention by saying 'shopkeep', and follow the menus to purchase items."; case 0x0A Q49J = "Lets head " + getDirection(getLocation(this), Q54F) + ", back towards the sage's home."; break; case 0x0B Q49J = "Press Alt-I to open your inventory window."; break; case 0x0C Q49J = "Drag the hammer from your inventory window to the sage to give it to him."; break; case 0x0D Q49J = "The blacksmith's is " + getDirection(getLocation(this), Q529) + "."; break; case 0x0E Q49J = "Get the shopkeep's attention by saying 'shopkeep.'"; break; case 0x0F Q49J = "Lets go back to the sage's home, " + getDirection(getLocation(this), Q54F) + "."; break; case 0x10 Q49J = "Drag the sword from your inventory window to the sage to give it to him."; break; case 0x11 Q49J = "The ranger is " + getDirection(getLocation(this), Q54E) + "."; break; case 0x12 Q49J = "Ask the ranger to 'teach tracking.'"; break; case 0x13 Q49J = "Be careful!"; break; case 0x14 Q49J = "Press Alt-P to open your 'paperdoll' window."; break; case 0x15 Q49J = "Drag the sword from your inventory to your paperdoll to wield it."; break; case 0x16 Q49J = "Press the skills button on your paper doll, click on the arrow by actions. Select 'tracking' and try tracking creatures by double clicking the two-headed ettin in the window that just opened, and then select the dragon in the window following that to track it."; break; case 0x17 Q49J = "Attack the dragon by clicking on the 'peace' button on your paperdoll window, and then double clicking the dragon when near it."; break; case 0x18 Q49J = "You can do it! Fear not my brave friend!!"; break; case 0x19 Q49J = "Double click the dragon's body to see whats on it, and then drag things you want to your inventory."; break; } return (); }