Script: Alchemy

From Ultima Online: The Second Age
Revision as of 01:25, 6 October 2018 by Grimoric (talk | contribs) (Created page with " <span style="color:#0000FF">inherits</span> spelskil; <span style="color:#0000FF">member</span> <span style="color:#0000FF">list</span> Q5K3; <span style="color:#0000F...")
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inherits spelskil;
member list Q5K3;
member list Q5JY;
member int Q5LP;
member int Q4R3;
member obj Q4FQ;
function int Q50N(string Q4B8)
  if ((Q4B8 == "a") || (Q4B8 == "A") || (Q4B8 == "e") || (Q4B8 == "E") || (Q4B8 == "i") || (Q4B8 == "I") || (Q4B8 == "o") || (Q4B8 == "O") || (Q4B8 == "u") || (Q4B8 == "U"))
    return (0x01);
  return (0x00);
function void Q4P5(obj Q4NO, obj user)
  int Q4Q1;
  Q4R3 = 0x00;
  obj Q47F = getBackpack(user);
  int Q5K1 = Q5K3[0x00];
  string Q5ZC = Q5K3[0x01];
  string Q5JZ;
  if (Q50N(Q5ZC[0x00]))
    Q5JZ = "an ";
    Q5JZ = "a ";
  concat(Q5JZ, Q5ZC);
  concat(Q5JZ, " potion");
  obj Q5C7 = createGlobalObjectOn(Q4NO, Q5K1);
  if ((getQuantity(Q4NO) > 0x01) && (!isInContainer(Q4NO)))
    if (canHold(Q47F, Q4NO))
      Q4Q1 = putObjContainer(Q4NO, Q47F);
      systemMessage(user, "You put the remaining empty bottles in to your backpack.");
      Q4Q1 = teleport(Q4NO, getLocation(user));
      systemMessage(user, "You put the remaining empty bottles at your feet.");
  int Q5K0 = Q5JY[0x02];
  setObjVar(Q5C7, "power", Q5K0);
  Q5RE(Q5C7, Q5JZ);
  string Q5OM = Q5JY[0x03];
  if (Q5OM == "")
    Q5OM = Q5K1;
  attachScript(Q5C7, Q5OM);
  return ();
function void Q5VP()
  int Q5L0 = Q5JY[0x00];
  if (Q5L0 > getGeneric(Q4FQ, Q5LP))
    systemMessage(Q4FQ, "You ran out of " + getNameByType(Q5LP) + ".");
    Q4FQ = NULL();
    return ();
  destroyGeneric(Q4FQ, Q5LP, Q5L0);
  actionBark(Q4FQ, 0x22, "*You start grinding some " + [[getNameByType|getNameByType]](Q5LP) + " in the mortar.*", "*" + getName(Q4FQ) + " starts grinding some " + [[getNameByType|getNameByType]](Q5LP) + " in a mortar.*");
  sfx(getLocation(Q4FQ), 0x0242, 0x00);
  shortCallback(this, 0x0B, 0x5A);
  return ();
trigger callback(0x5A)
  if (Q4R3 < 0x03)
    actionBark(Q4FQ, 0x22, "*You continue grinding.*", "*" + getName(Q4FQ) + " continues grinding.*");
    sfx(getLocation(Q4FQ), 0x0242, 0x00);
    shortCallback(this, 0x0B, 0x5A);
    return (0x00);
  int success = testAndLearnSkill(Q4FQ, 0x00, Q5JY[0x01], 0x32);
  if (success > 0x00)
    obj Q4NO = mobileContainsObjType(Q4FQ, 0x0F0E);
    if (Q4NO == NULL())
      scriptTrig(this, 0x17, Q4FQ);
      actionBark(Q4FQ, 0x22, "*You pour the completed potion into a bottle.*", "*" + getName(Q4FQ) + " pours the completed potion into a bottle.*");
      Q4P5(Q4NO, Q4FQ);
      sfx(getLocation(Q4FQ), 0x0240, 0x00);
      Q4R3 = 0x00;
    actionBark(Q4FQ, 0x22, "*You toss the failed mixture from the mortar, unable to create a potion from it.*", "*" + getName(Q4FQ) + " tosses out the contents of the mortar.*");
    Q4R3 = 0x00;
  Q4FQ = NULL();
  return (0x00);
trigger use
  if (Q4R3 == 0x03)
    obj Q4NO = mobileContainsObjType(user, 0x0F0E);
    if (Q4NO == NULL())
      systemMessage(user, "Where is an empty bottle for your potion?");
      targetObj(user, this);
      actionBark(user, 0x22, "*You pour the mixture into an empty bottle.*", "* " + getName(user) + " pours the mixture into an empty bottle.*");
      Q4P5(Q4NO, user);
    return (0x00);
  if (Q4FQ != NULL())
    if (Q4FQ == user)
      actionBark(Q4FQ, 0x22, "*You stop mixing and empty the mortar.*", "*" + getName(Q4FQ) + " stops mixing and empties the mortar.*");
      Q4R3 = 0x00;
      Q4FQ = NULL();
      removeCallback(this, 0x5A);
      return (0x00);
    systemMessage(user, "Someone else is using that.");
    return (0x00);
  systemMessage(user, "What reagent would you like to make the potion out of?");
  targetObj(user, this);
  return (0x00);
trigger typeselected(0x2B)
  if (listindex == 0x00)
    return (0x00);
  int Q65M = Q5K3[(listindex * 0x02)];
  string name = Q5K3[(listindex * 0x02 + 0x01)];
  Q5K3 = Q65M, name;
  int Q5LR = Q5JY[(listindex * 0x04)];
  int Q4IB = Q5JY[(listindex * 0x04 + 0x01)];
  int power = Q5JY[(listindex * 0x04 + 0x02)];
  string Q5OM = Q5JY[(listindex * 0x04 + 0x03)];
  Q5JY = Q5LR, Q4IB, power, Q5OM;
  Q4FQ = user;
  return (0x00);
trigger targetobj
  if (usedon == NULL())
    return (0x00);
  if (getDistanceInTiles(getLocation(user), getLocation(usedon)) > 0x02)
    systemMessage(user, "You are too far away to do that.");
    return (0x00);
  if (Q4R3 < 0x03)
    if (isMobile(usedon))
      systemMessage(user, "That's not something you can grind with a mortar and pestle!");
      return (0x00);
    if ((usedon == this) && (numInList(Q5K3) > 0x00))
      Q4FQ = user;
      return (0x00);
    Q5LP = getObjType(usedon);
    int Q65M = 0x00;
    switch (Q5LP)
    case 0x0F7A
      Q5K3 = 0x0F0B, "Refresh", 0x0F0B, "Total Refreshment";
      Q5JY = 0x01, 0x00, 0xFA, "", 0x05, 0x01F4, 0x03E8, "";
    case 0x0F7B
      Q5K3 = 0x0F08, "Agility", 0x0F08, "Greater Agility";
      Q5JY = 0x01, 0x0190, 0x0A, "", 0x03, 0x0258, 0x14, "";
    case 0x0F8D
      Q5K3 = 0x0F06, "Nightsight";
      Q5JY = 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, "";
    case 0x0F85
      Q5K3 = 0x0F0C, "Lesser Heal", 0x0F0C, "Heal", 0x0F0C, "Greater Heal";
      Q5JY = 0x01, 0x00, 0x64, "", 0x03, 0x0190, 0xC8, "", 0x07, 0x0320, 0x012C, "";
    case 0x0F86
      Q5K3 = 0x0F09, "Strength", 0x0F09, "Greater Strength";
      Q5JY = 0x02, 0x01F4, 0x0A, "", 0x05, 0x02BC, 0x14, "";
    case 0x0F88
      Q5K3 = 0x0F0A, "Lesser Poison", 0x0F0A, "Poison", 0x0F0A, "Greater Poison", 0x0F0A, "Deadly Poison";
      Q5JY = 0x01, 0xC8, 0x01, "", 0x02, 0x0190, 0x02, "", 0x04, 0x0320, 0x03, "", 0x08, 0x047E, 0x04, "";
    case 0x0F84
      Q5K3 = 0x0F07, "Lesser Cure", 0x0F07, "Cure", 0x0F07, "Greater Cure";
      Q5JY = 0x01, 0x96, 0x2D, "", 0x03, 0x01F4, 0x4B, "", 0x06, 0x0384, 0x64, "";
    case 0x0F8C
      Q5K3 = 0x0F0D, "Lesser Explosion", 0x0F0D, "Explosion", 0x0F0D, "Greater Explosion";
      Q5JY = 0x03, 0x012C, 0x0A, "", 0x05, 0x0258, 0x14, "", 0x0A, 0x0384, 0x28, "";
      systemMessage(user, "That is not a magic reagent.");
      return (0x00);
    int Q5E8 = numInList(Q5K3) / 0x02;
    int Q5DF = 0x00;
    for(int i = 0x00; i < Q5E8; )
      int remove = 0x00;
      int Q5L0 = Q5JY[(i * 0x04)];
      if (Q5L0 > getGeneric(user, Q5LP))
        remove = 0x01;
        if (i == 0x00)
          Q5DF = 0x01;
      int Q4IB = Q5JY[(i * 0x04 + 0x01)];
      if (getSkillSuccessChance(user, 0x00, Q4IB, 0x32) <= 0x00)
        remove = 0x01;
      if (remove)
        removeItem(Q5K3, i * 0x02);
        removeItem(Q5K3, i * 0x02);
        removeItem(Q5JY, i * 0x04);
        removeItem(Q5JY, i * 0x04);
        removeItem(Q5JY, i * 0x04);
        removeItem(Q5JY, i * 0x04);
    if (Q5E8 == 0x00)
      if (Q5DF)
        systemMessage(user, "The weakest " + getNameByType(Q5LP) + " potion requires more than you have.");
        systemMessage(user, "You are not good enough to make anything out of that.");
      return (0x00);
    if (Q5E8 == 0x01)
      Q4FQ = user;
      return (0x00);
    selectType(user, this, 0x2B, "Choose a formula.", Q5K3);
    return (0x00);
    if (getObjType(usedon) == 0x0F0E)
      actionBark(user, 0x22, "*You pour the completed potion into the bottle.*", "*" + getName(user) + " pours the completed potion into a bottle.*");
      Q4P5(usedon, user);
      systemMessage(user, "That is not an empty bottle.");
  return (0x00);